Face To Face

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Izuku POV:

When Shoto got back with the food, we all ate it. I was starting to become tired due to all this stress that has been dumped on me. I feel my eyes start drooping, and Kacchan noticed. "Hey nerd if your tired go to sleep, nothing's going to happen while i'm here." He said. "Ok i'll trust you." With that I quickly fell asleep.

Kacchan POV:

Izuku fell asleep very fast, he must have been stressed out due to being scared. He was leaning on me so I moved to the headboard of the bed to get comfortable. I then grab Deku and put is head on my chest. He nuzzled into be and whimpered, I blushed, that's so cute. I look up at Todoroki, he has a smile on his face and gets up. I known he is fine with this because we wanna have a poly relationship. "I'll go down stairs and we will make a plain. Just stay up here and I'll come back and tell you." Todo said walking out the door leaving just me and Izuku in bed together. Welp there's nothing else to do than sleep. I slide down the bed so I can fall asleep too. Im laying on my back and Izuku has cuddle up to me. His head is on my chest and legs are intertwined with mine. It very warm. I slowly falls asleep as well.

Todo POV:

Once I leave the room Im left to my thoughts while going down stairs. Seeing them cuddle like that makes me smile. How can 2 people be that cute. Well Katsuki, I wouldn't say he cute more like handsome. I just want to make Mid- Izuku mine. It seems like he has a lot of secrets, but I'll still love him.

I've made it to the common room indicating by the ding of the elevator. Everyone was talking about a plain and what were going to do. Once they notice me they asked why we went upstairs and what was wrong with Izuku. "Well i'm not sure if I should tell you this but this could help," I told them what Deku said to me and Katsuki. They all understanded and held no grudges against him but Dabi they did. How could he beat our Deku like that, they said. "Were going to stay up their and protect him." The all agreed by keeping the best, strongest alphas garding Izuku.

They started telling me their plans. All the class omegas are going to help us prepare for incase Dabi finds up but when he shows up their going in the safe room so they don't get hurt by his pheromoans. Momo will make walkie talkies and give them to each team. Me, Katsuki and Izuku will have one and will be on the 4th floor. Aoyama, Sero , Iida will have one and be on the 2nd floor incase the traps the whole class made on floor one fail. Kirishima, Ashido and Uraraka will have one and be on floor 3, were the omegas will be at the end of the hall in safe room. This is incase the 2d floor get wiped out and will be the last hope to prevent them from getting to the 4th floor. All the while Jirou will on her own while traveling to floor to floor using her quirk to let us know were the enemy is.

Each floor will be able to connect to the dorm phone incase this is all not needed and we are safe, but we must be prepared. "If your floor get attacked and you are unable to fight retreat, you are not allowed to die." Iida said. We start to build traps on the first floor. Sero put is tape all over the windows and the door, so nether will be broken into easy, he also taped criss cross along the common room so if the move they will get stuck. Momo made traps from her quirk and placed them along the rooms and hallways. Ashido put her asid on the floor, which didn't burn it but will burn their shoes if they walk on it. After that we all went to are floors and awaited for battle. I had the walkie talkie and made my way back to the two boys. When I got to that floor I could hear commotion going on in the room. I ran to see the door burned open. "STOP!! DON'T GO AWAY!!" That was Deku voice. I try to get the other students to help but the talkies isn't working. Dam I have to help. I run into the room hoping my classmates on 3rd floor will get help due to the loud noises. When I turn the corner I was shocked to what I could see.

Izuku is pinned to the bed by Dabi, crying to anyone for help. His shirt was torn to pieces and Dabi was taking off his pants. Izuku couldn't do anything at all. I look around the room to find Katsuki. I see so much blood, OMG. Katsuki is crouched down in the corner of the room, bleeding from the head. I looked at his chest to see it rising and falling. He wasn't dead. I slowly walk toward Katsuki not getting the attention of Dabi, Izuku started fighting him off the best he can. Ill be there in a min, hold out Izuku I know you can. "Katsuki, Katsuki wake up", I whisper while shaking him. His eyes start to open. "Calm down, If you have strength go down to floor 3 and get help. I have to help Izuku." He noted and I left making my way to Izuku.

Izuku POV:

When I woke up, I woke up to the smell of something burning. I look at the door and see smoke. I shake Kacchan up, once awake he shot up. But as soon as he did the door opened revealing Dabi. I started shaking. Kacchan stood up getting in a fighting stance. "Well, Well what do we have here." Dabi said looking at Kacchan then at me. Once he meet my gaze he smiled, a smile that was sadistic. That's when I smelt it. I couldn't move, all I could focus on was him. I had no control, the omega im me had to submit. I lowered my head showing my neck and started whimpering. "That's a good boy now are you ready to come back baby." That's when I realized I don't want to go back, I wanna stay here with Kacchan and Todoroki. They were like my family. I- I love them. Wait what did I just say. Do-- Do I like them more than friends. I looked up, eyes widen and watering. Kacchan was in front of me protecting me, they care for me even knowing what I did in my past. They accept me for who I am.

I don't care where I am, I only want to stand by their side. "Come here baby, Daddy wants to see you too." My dad wants to see me, no i can't trust that man. I look up to see Dabi holding his arms toward me, welcoming me to a hug. "N- No" I whispered. "What was that honey." "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!! I wanna stay here with them. I don't care what you think, AND TELL THAT MAN IM NOT HIS SON. I've learned things after I left the LOV. I know he is using me but don't know for what." At this point im crying my eyes out. Kacchan turned around with a shocked expression but he turned around at something that made a shiver go down my spine.

Dabi started laughing hastarily and when he looked up his smile became non-human, something so scary and so sadistic that its suffocating. "Izuku you WILL come with me, and you WILL follow the bosses orders. We have high hopes for you." Dabi said in a way that he could kill you on the spot. The mark on the back of my neck begin burning, however not the bond mark but the mark of were the scar of the calor was. The burning turned into a sharp pain. I hunch over in pain, I couldn't take it, I start screaming. Kacchan turns around seeing me like this. I passed out from the pain and the last thing I heard was Kacchan saying my name, and he then lounged at Dabi. Then Darkness.

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