Dam Neard

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*Kacchan POV*

Kacchan; "WERE THE HELL ARE THE PRO HEROS" I screamed while exploding this god dam villain extra. "DIE! DIE!! DIE!!!"

Kirishima; " Whoa their Bakubro, that doesn't sound very heroic."

Kacchan; "SHUT IT HAIR FOR BRAINS!!!" I blast some more extras when I hear a familiar nerd yell, "KACCHAN GET SENSEI." I turned around to see whatever that thing that once held down our teacher and Deku disappear. I run up and grab him handing him the Kirishima who ran to go put him by the door with a few other injured people. Not a moment later to a hear a big bang something, more like someone gets slammed into the fountain only a few feet away from me and a bunch of smoke appears.

Once this cleared I see who slammed into the fountain. It was Deku he looked bad. He started to caught up blood. I run over to him so I can get a clear shot of his condition. Were I'm guessing he got punched in the gut due the abnormally sized fist shaped whole in his hero suit. His stomach was clearly showing and his v line somewhat visible. I feel a red heat come up on my face but push it off as if it was a type of panic. ( A gay panic😏 )

Luckily he didn't pass out. The condition he's in I think sleep would be more dangerous. He try's to sit up but I force him back down.

Kacchan; "Stay down Izuku, don't further injury yourself." As I said that he was about to respond when I hear a loud boom behind be. The ground shook with every step that thing took. I slowly turn around to see whatever hurt Deku getting closer and closer until I see a dome cover us it was clear with a green tint to it. The dome didn't look like it would hold out for long but just enough time to come up with a plan and recuperate. This was once of Deku quirks.

As the nomu was inching closer, I was in a state of panic. If Deku couldn't defeat this thing their is no way in hell I will be able to. I turned around to look further into Izu condition. Other that a visible bruise starting to appear on is abdomen, he only had a few scratches hear and their.

*Izuku POV*

My stomach felt like all of my organs just busted open, life a fire was flowing inside of me. However I must push through to the very end. I'm not a helpless, week little boy that I use to be back then. I have more power that back then. I will protect the ones I care about.

I stand up, Kacchan keeps trying to get me to lay back down. I told him I'm fine and started to thing up a plain. The first thing I know is this thing week spot it it's head, were the brain is exposed. However the monsters had shock absorption which might make thing a little more complicated. If I distract it, Kacchan and Kirishima might be able to strike its brain. No, that wouldn't work. How would I distract it? On the other hand if Kiri hardens his entire body he might be able to hold down the nomu long enough for me to glitch Kacchan above it brain and strike it's vulnerable spot. That might just work, now all we have to do is figure out how to tell Kirishima.

I break down the plain to Kacchan, I was so deep I'm thought that I completely missed and blocked out the nomu banging on my barrier type shield. It was starting to crack forcing our plain forward even faster than we hoped for. While Kacchan goes and tell Kiri about the plan I will glitch around getting the things attention while he doesn't lay any hits.

Author Note

Hello everyone, I hope your staying safe. The next chapter might take a while, sorry for the inconvenience. I've been watching more and more anime recently and doing yard work. I've finished Assassination Classroom and now I'm watching Bleach. I recommend AC it is very good but sad at the end. I hope you're all doing well, stay safe. Bye children.

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