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// A few months before returning to UA//
//Izuku POV//

The loud booming of the music in the background made the floor vibrate. Izuku had been finding answers for the misleading information Snipe had received. He was about to meet that man after almost 2 years of searching. He know his name, were he lived and what he did in his free time. During day time he was accompanied by a large group of bodyguards but at night he always was alone while going to his favorite club. This club was notorious for this employers being omegas, more specifically omega strippers.

This club was run by a very sketchy old man however with the right price he will allow anything. In the club you could see a green mop of hair walking through the crowd. The noise almost made someone's ears bleed. The flashing lights made it all worse. The owner of this hair was nonetheless Izuku Midoriya however he was, at least for tonight an employ at this club wearing the very revealing clothes one does while in this setting. He made his was to the VIP section  with a tray of numerous drinks. Each step he took gaining the attention of many male and female customers. Some of which were cat calling him, one even tried to grab his ass but his reflexes prevented that and he continue his was to his target.

Once he was their he walked to a couch and small table that sat in front of a bed in the small room. The client or his target was sitting on the side of the couch that was further from the door. "Well hello there cutie, Mr. Wright told me he would be sending a new one today." He said, Mr. Wright was the club owner. The man in front of me goes by the name of Isaac Fade. He was an alpha that was soposibley very strong however he has one weakness. He likes to be talked down by omegas. Disgusting in my opinion and probably many others.

"Hello Fade. Well let's not carry this on any further." I said puting the drinks down on the table. I grabbed a bottle of wine that looked rather expensive and quickly smacked it on the edge of the table. Breaking the bottle to a sharp point and spilling the liquid on the floor. To say Mr. Fade was shocked that would have been and understatement. I straddle his lap pointing the broken bottle at his neck. He was trembling under me.

"Now before I continue I have a question, Do you know who I am?" I asked the man under me and he started to tremble under me hopefully by fear but most likely arousal. "N-no?" He said. "Well my name is Izuku. Izuku Midoriya." The realization on his face almost made me laugh, now the only look on his face was pure fear. "I heard from a little birdy that you were the man who informed some hero's back then to kill my mother." "I- It wasn't my fault it was a-all in the plain. If- if i didn't do  it he would have killed me and made someone else do it" He said making the most ugly face. "Who? Who told you this?" I said and he gulped. "the boss" he said very quiet, "What was that?" I said pressing the broken bottle harder on his throat. "THE BOSS, MR.MIDORIYA" He said crying out for help.

My Dad ordered him too? But why would he, he wanted to help me and her. Was all that he told me a lie, all this time he was responsible. Then wait what would he gain from killing her and keeping me. I can't give him anything. Now that I think about it mom was always talking about how bad he is, I just thought she was mistaken. He was kind to me, yea there was some bits and pieces that didn't add up but,but why.  Without even realizing it I had slit the man throat. I watched as he choked on his own blood and as the life in his body left. "Well thank you for the information, even if my dad didn't kill you I would, have fun rotting in hell" I said getting up and walking out of the room.

I put a hoodie on to cover my face and some skin while walking out. About half way down the hall someone screams which draws the attention of many. Their was crying and more screaming as people showed up at the scene. Then two unexpected guests rush in past me. The dule hair boy and a spiky pomeranian ran past yelling to move and how their heros. I turn watching them wide-eyed, a small laugh left my lips as I walked out of the place."This is a small world isn't it."

Present Time// 3 year time skip//

//Izuku POV//

Sunlight that was sleeping through the blinds lit me I'm the eyes. "Mmm" I hummed nuzzling into a warm chest. I opened my eyes to reveal one of my boyfriends chests. "Morning beautiful." A voice said behind me. I turned around and say my handsome dul-haired boyfriend.

It has been 3 years since the brake in at UA, and a lot has happened. Both of my lovers are the top hero's and are currently married to yours truly. After Dabi broke in we were all on high alert. However the league and my father didn't come until a year after.

That's when he revealed his true purpose for me. They were making me into a weapon to destroy all hero's. Typical. He killed my mom and many others to inject drugs and unknown substances into me to transform me into a monster. I've been paying the price ever since.

The government thought that since I worked for the villains for a short time that I can't become a hero, but I was allowed to attend UA as sort of a punishment. The drugs the LOV gave me kicked in after the 1 year, I started getting dizzy and we believe it was become of shock of not having the drug given to me. After we defeated my father the proposed to me.

Ever since we were living the perfect life. These two were more than I could ever ask for. I trust the with my full being. As of now we were in bed cuddling as we do for most of our morning until they have to go to work, while I stayed here. Today's our anniversary so we planed on having a night on the town.Wish me good luck everyone *wink*.

Hello everyone it's the author, this will be the ending of the book. I know it's a bit rushed but I have so many other story ideas. I hope you all enjoyed this story. I missed this. But everything must come to an end right? Well if anyone wants to do a second story of this just let me know. Well this is the last time say this but THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.

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