16th Promise

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~POV Izuku~
~11 Years Later~
I'm now 15 and a third year in junior high, however when it came time to send me back to school when I was 7 my dad decided it's best if I was homeschooled until high school. Living as a quirk-less, weak omega had plenty of downfalls but having my dad do what he does helps somewhat. Ever since my mother died I stop believing in these so called "Hero's". Every time I saw a fight when I was out I used to watch and cheer the hero's on, but now I just walk past not giving it a second look. Villains were suppose to be the bad guys and kill people. However after learning that my mother was killed by a pro hero, Snipe, who possesses exceptional aim, and is able to accurately shoot someone while his own allies were right next to them. Even if this was a mistake, all of his previous history of shots were right on the target, so I doubt it was. That's why I set my sites on UA high the best hero school, not to become a hero but to learn why they killed the most innocent person I know. After my mom died we went to a bar of some sorts and I've been staying their. Over the past 11 years I've learned that they are a group of villains called The League Of Villains, I know originally right? Well anyway they have been taking care of me because once my father found out that I was quirk-less and no the less an omega he thought it would be to dangerous letting me live with him. He comes around to check up on me and spend time with me but it always so unfair. He promised that when I'm 16 he will give me a quirk, and I have one more month until I'm 16, and he hasn't said anything about it. When I turn of age not only will it be time for me to get my quirk, I should also have my first heat. Which is causing everyone to prepare and trying to find the right suppressant's. However every test we do to see if they will work they always come back negative, which is probably why my dads "employers" are making some just for me. I'm not really worried about it thought. I believe my new family will take care of me.

*Time Skip Brought to you my me not wanting to wait a month*

~ Still POV Izuku~

The last few days I've been getting out of breath a lot and Shigaraki told me that was normal because of I'm approaching my heat. My dads "employer" finally finished making my own personal suppressant's, however he did tell me their will be some minor side effects like drowsiness, and lack of energy but all I'm going to do I'm sleep during it so I'm not worried. They told me all the alphas in the building will be gone out on missions, and their will be a lock outside my door for the whole week so I'm not really scared of someone taking advantage of me while I'm at my most weakest state. My father suppose to visit me today to give me them and something else but I'm not sure so I guess I'll ha...
* knock knock*
I get up to see who knocked at my door and to no surprise it the one and only, Hisashi Midoriya, my dad.
Deku; "H-Hey dad, I thought you were coming later today?" I said as I lean on the door frame.
Dad; "Well is it so bad that I wanna give my one and only son his gift before this special day ends." He says while scratching the back of his neck.
Since I never meet my father the past 11 years have been nothing but bonding every time we see each other. I put together the pieces of him having to do something with villains but I'm not sure how he involved in this. Also I found out he didn't even know I was born, and apparently mother never told him about me. So it was a shock to see me just appear outa that car when he can back from overseas.
Dad; "Well before we do anything, here are your suppressant's." He handed a me a medium size box, and so I open it up to see a box full of grayish clear syringes, with a long needle at the end of each one. They all had the same light blue liquid in them.
Dad; "Inject then into you arm or thighs, then that should be it. After every injections they should kick is almost immediately and they will make you tired and suppress you sent."
I noticed he had another box that wasn't very tall but very wide, like it head something very round and thin inside. The box had a bow onto and he started to notice that I was looking at it.
Dad; *sign* "As I promise, I found you a strong quirk."
My eyes go wide and I couldn't believe what I'm hearing right now, are my ears working, did I hear that right.
Dad; "However this is going to take you time to control so I got you this." He opened the box to reveal a metal collar. "This will monitor you viral signs, and keep your quirk in check."
Deku; "So when am I actually getting the quirk?"
Dad; "Right now but before I give it to you take a suppressant and let me put the collar on." I take out a suppressant but because I'm too excited I don't inject it and end up eagerly bending down to let him see my neck to were my sent glands are visible. I heard a click and felt the cold metal on my neck. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain around my neck, and realized the collar squeegeeing around me and 3 light pokes on the back were my sent glands are and start to have a panic attack.
Dad; "Calm down the collar is adjusting to the right size of your neck, and the 2 pokes you felt were small needles to watch you vital signs as I said and the 3rd is the one that will give you your quirk. It takes about 2 weeks to see signs of you quirk that will manifest." As he's saying all of this I start to feel light headed and then a sudden wave of heat hits me and I drop to the ground.
~Dad POV~
Dad; *sniff* *sniff* "What smells so good..." As I say that I watch as Izuku drops to the ground and it see him breathing very heavy. I look at the box and notice he didn't take a suppressant when I told him too. I reach to the box and stab his thigh, hearing a small yelp from him and watch him slowly fall unconscious. I then pick him up and plop him on his bed, leaving to go lock his door. "Bye... Izuku you can get throw this, I won't let anyone hurt you." As I close the door I hear small cry's on the other end. "I wish I could stay with you, but...

I don't trust myself."
Author Note;
Word count; #1308
Hello to all the new readers, I hope your liking it so far. I'm having trouble figuring out which quirk I should give Izuku so if you have any ideas let me know. And again feel free to comment I wanna hear from you guys. I don't know how much I will be posting next week, it depends what my school is giving us to do. I'll try posting at least once.

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