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We are all getting onto the bus while wearing our hero costumes. I try to find somewhere and someone that will be the most comfortable to sleep on. I look at all the available options Kirishima seems too hard, Kaminari would be too loud, Uraraka would just want to cuddle with me, then my eyes land on another empty seat. I look up to see who is by the window, It was Todoroki, he had both fire and ice which would keep me warm and cold, I walk up to him to ask.

Deku: "Do you mind if I sit here?"
Todoroki: "Sure, I don't mind." He said with his signature chill monotone voice.
Deku: "And.... umm... do you mind if I sleep on your lap I didn't get much sleep and you seem comfortable." I ask while rubbing the back of my neck and feel a heat rush up onto my face turning my cheeks a pinkish color. Their was a moment of silence and I managed to look up to see his response and he just pats his lap twice I was confused and I cocked my head sideways indicating that.
Todoroki: "Go ahead, I don't mind." He gave me a slight smile and I leaned down to lay my head on his lap. It was just the right temperature, not to hot or cold. I didn't realize I was nuzzling into his lap until I felt two hands on my head and start to play with my hair. In no time I fell asleep and it was probably the most relaxing sleep I've ever had. It felt like when my mom used let me sleep on her lap after I had a long hard day. I started to dream about my mom which I haven't done for a long time. As I start to fad out of my dreams I wake up to Shoto shaking me gently, a single tear falls from my eye. I sit up so that no one see it and quickly wipe it off. I get up and say thank you and head off the buss with him behind me.

Once we walk in their was 4 different sections with for different ecosystems and biomes, one water, a mountain, a city with constant rain and darkness, and finally one on constant fire. It the middle of all the 4 big sections was a concert square with a foundation in the middle. Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen were talking when a familiar portal starts to appear. All of the sudden a black and purple mist begins to grow behind the fountain. I know who's mist that was and who was going to come out of it. I started to make my was behind the group of students to hide. A few student notice me hiding and just thought I was scared. My family never told me any of this was going to happen.
Kirishima: "I thought we were doing rescue training." The boy said getting into a fighting stance.
Mr. Aizawa: "Get back, thirteen protect the kids, those are real villains!!"
I murmur " The real villains are you." I didn't realize I let that slip out of my mouth, I look down now feeling as if someone looking at me but I shake it off.
Thirteen: "Kids go to the door and run." We all turn around and run to the door but before that black mist went over everyone. I felt a 2 sets of arms wrap around my waist and holds me close to them. As soon as the mist subside almost all of our class has been scattered across the building. I turn to see who has me in their grip. And it was...
Kacchan & Todoroki

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