The start of a New Life...

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After we left the meeting Mr. Azawa took me to my new dorm room. As we made our way through the many halls some students were till their. Some noticing me and who I was and others just walking past not giving a second look. Seeing how it has been 2 years since I left and how it was the my beginning of my first year, and now im at the beginning of my last, 3rd year and much has changed. Once we arrived to a small building with a sign saying 1-A we started to walk up too the doors. Many voices and different conversations came in my ear. He opened the door to reveal some students in different rooms with their little clicks.

Once everyone noticed my and the teacher it got quiet and they stopped talking and just watched me. I didn't say anything and neither did Azawa. He took me to an elevator and clinked the 4th floor button. We were standing their for a few seconds in silence until we heard a ding. After we steeped out Mr. Azawa told me where my room was. "Your room will be the one closet to the wall. The only people on this floor are both Bakugou and Todoroki. Their are many camera on this floor as long as quirk cancelling walls on this whole floor so no escaping. Your door also has a lock on the outside that only your floor mates have the key too along with me too. We have already prepared everything like explained. School uniform is in the closet as long as some others. If you need anything let me know. Go to your dorm tonight and wake up at 5 am tomorrow good night."

With that he left me in my room standing in the dark. I heard him locking the door from the outside to ensurer me that in not going anywhere. I first went to go find a light switch and turned on the light. This room was pretty spacious. Their was a kitchen, bathroom and a laundry room, all stacked up with supply's. I went to the closet to see what kinda cloths their were for me to wear too bed. I pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and a black plain shirt with some pink watermelon boxers. Wonder who picked those out. I walked to the bathroom were a big shower stood. I took off all of my cloths raveling many scars and buses on my body from all the jobs and work I did. My pail, smooth skin becoming more and more revealed as I strip myself from head to toe showing all my curves. I step into the shower turning the water on the hottest setting.

Taking a warm shower after a eventful day was very relaxing. By the events that were already happening this earlier on in the year I could tell this was going to be one hell of a year. I soon get out putting on the cloths that I got before hand. This always made me feel so nice and clean. I walk to the bed flopped on to it. As soon as my head hit the pillow I had fallen asleep.

* Time skip brought to you bc its 3 in the morning*

I woke up to it still being dark outside. I usually only sleep a few hours at most because im always so energetic. It was 4 am, Im so-pose to be up and ready by 5 so I figured Ill start to get ready. I did some push ups and other small exercises so I can keep being fit. After about 5 minutes I hoped in the shower, washing my hair, body then getting out. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, becoming this cute isn't something you can do over night. I walked to the closet once again to get my school out fit. Their no way in hell im wearing that uniform. If im going to be forced going to school I wearing what I want. I pick out black pants that hugged me in the right places making my thighs pop out. I matched that whit a black long sleeve turtle neck and a pink button up jacket. I then put on the same pink colored Nike air-force ones.

I then walked back to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I have to admit I look pretty cute for a villain. I decided to do my hair by parting it on the side and putting some gel on it to force and keep it down. I also applied some eyeliner and mascara. I looked at the time and I still had about 5 minutes until someone came and picked me up. So I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I made some toast and 1 egg  while humming. I was almost done when I heard the door open. "IM IN THE KITCHEN!" I yelled to let them know we're I was. I heart two pair of footsteps walking this way. I finished my putting the one egg on the pic of toast and bit into it. I turned around to see who will come and pick me up and to my surprise it was Kacchan and Todoroki. Once the both saw me the were quite shocked. I wasn't wearing the uniform and I looked very different from the me two years ago. I use to be quite and watched other people while blending in but now I'm standing out and showing my more feminine side.

Both boys started at my feet looking up to my hair. About not even half way they started to blush. This made me smile and walk up to them. I figured while I'm hear I might as well have my fun with the boys. I bit into my food walking past the, "Shall we go boys" I said as the turned around. "Y-yea let's go icy hot, and Deku." Aw cute he started to stutter. He said quickly waking out me following behind him. Many be after all this isn't going to be so bad.


Hello everyone, I hope you like this chapter nothing really happened but it was just some fluff I thought i could add. If things go as planned this story will start to get intense in the next few chapters. Also Thank you for all the new readers, ive seen some more people reading and voting and thank you. The next time I will be posting is in 5-4 days. Like always stay safe. 

щ(゚Д゚щ) < "Dear god why‽ )

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