Introducing Quirk or Quirks

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~POV Izuku~

Two weeks have passed and no sign have showed up of me having a quirk. It has been one week since my heat stoped. I don't remember a whole lot but all I can tell you is, it was very hot and I felt like a stranger in my own skin.

An omegas heat make the omega go crazy, and is the one time were they are most likely to become pregnant. All you would crave is the touch of an alpha. Suppressants help to keep your sent in check however you will still be craving an alpha. Even if their was a beta they couldn't help, so that's why only betas are recommended to help an omega in heat.

I-I can't believe Toga saw me do that. A sudden wave of red covers my face as I begin to remember what happened while I was in heat. I needed someone to touch me, a-and their was no one except myself and Toga walked in when I wa...

"Deku your mumbling away again stop it, some people are trying to work."

"Sorry Dabi, I-It's a habit." I say as my face turning into more like a tomato as I release I said that out loud. "I think I'm gonna lie down for a bit." I walk around the corner to find my room, however I'm interrupted by falling to my knees due to this extreme pain in my head. I open my eyes and my vision seems to be blurry and somewhat..... glitchy. I hold my head in pain and start to hear a beeping noise combing from the collar I'm wearing. I also hear a door slam open and see my dad running over to me. And then their pain and then darkness.

~Dad POV~

It has been almost 2 weeks since Deku put on that collar. He should be showing signs of a quirk manifesting or something, but he just not. Even though he's my son, I have plans for his and my future, he needs to get this quirk or every thing I sacrificed will be in vain, his mother death will be in vain .....  BANG BANG
"Boss open up it an emergency!" I hear as someone yells on the other side of the door.
"Ok, ok come in" I say as I put my hands to my temples and rub then in a circular motion. "Don't just stand there, if it's an emergency tell me."
One of the many villains that reside at the bar came into my office, out of breath, I look up as say, "Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?" with my alpha voice.
"Y-yes sir, when I was leaving I tried to was out however their was a barrier around the building and we are trapped in our own base."
My eyes widened and I start to get up as my phone buzzes. I look at it and it's saying Izu collar detecting his heart rate rising and with his location blinking. I run out of my office and yell, " Get the doctor and send him to the 2nd floor. Tell him to bring the quirk suppressants."  I run as fast to the door leading to the Second floor, were the tracker says Izu at and I see him on the ground holding his head in pain. "IZU!!!" I say while running to him eventually sliding beside his head. I hear the door open and see the doctor, he throws me the suppressant and I inject it into Izu neck and he slowly drifted off to a deep sleep.

~POV Izuku~

I wake up and see I'm in a room with all white walls. The walls have a little cushion on them incase someone would hit them and not hurt themselves. Their was no windows the only source of light was a bright white light on the top of the room. I look up and I'm sitting on a bed, their is a dresser in the corner of the room and the room was extremely bait. I hear multiple locks unlock out side of the room, and the door opens revivaling my dad. He pulls in a chair to sit in and I noticed in his hands are what seems like a packet of papers. Me and him lock eyes together and he smiles. He sits down and start to talk.
When dad talks
When Izuku talks
D; "Guess what Izu you have a quirk or more Specifically quirks."
I; "Wait I have more than one." Their was a shocked expression on my face.
D; "I know I was shocked too, we only meant for you to have one but, Doc said it could be because when you were 4 your quirk never fully manifested and now we just gave you a brand new one which busted the first one and ended in you having two."
I was still so shocked, I went from having no quirk to having two. I felt a tear go down my face, and quickly wipe away and look up at my dad and smile the biggest smile and wrap my hands around him to give him a hug. He was stunned for a moment, but nevertheless returns the hug.
He let's go as ask the one question I'm most ecstatic about.
D; "Do you wanna know what you quirk are." I shake my head indicating yes.
D; Well both are emitter type, one is called Glitch. The ability allows the use to teleport or "glitch" a few meters away from the original position. The furthest someone can teleport is 10 meters away they can also just teleport a body parts. Their a drawback though, If the user overuses the quirk your vision it becomes glitchy and you could potentially pass out. Also your body might glitch when the you experiences powerful emotions especially the eyes. Your other quirk is called Sleep Screen or S.S. There's quirk allows you to put up a healing barrier that will not let enemy enter without permission from the user. The barrier can last up to 9 hours, however if the user himself falls asleep or become injured the barrier will decompose slowly. He can activate this as will.
Author Note;
Word count; 1111
The quirk "Glitch" I got from the user, @BarnOwlJPG
That is their idea of a quirk and I thought it fit well with this story and I liked it. The credit go to them. Hello people, this story is picking up more and more people that I thought it would and people are adding it, thank you.

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