Crush or Crashes...

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* Izuku POV*

Due to my barrier having healing properties I'm back in fighting shape other than the bruise on my tummy. (🤣) Kacchan starts to prepare for blasting off towards Kiri, who was fighting the few villains that was left with Todoroki They weren't that strong so I'm hoping Todo can fight them and judging by his strength he can.

When Kacchan gives me the word I'm taking the nomu a few feet away so he can go to Kirishima. Once we have that we are basically going to win while they lose. Well the nomu will while the Shigaraki and Kurogiri escapes unharmed from a "mistake" i made.

Kacchan; "Hey, are you ready?"
Deku; "Yup, on the count of 3." "ONE, TWO, THREE"

I drop my barrier, grab the thing and glitch a few feet away. Kacchan makes a B line to Kiri, while I detract it. I glitch around for a minute until I see both of the boys running together to me. However while I was distracted the nomu got to land a hit on me. I fall back a few feet and coughed at the loss of air in my lungs.

Kirishima grabs the nomu leg, hardening his body. The thing punches him but it's not causing any damage. I glitch over to Kacchan and then glitch him over the nomu. He send many explosions onto its brain. I had some knifes in my pocket on my belt around my waist. I pull one out and stab its brain. Once we land back on the ground I grabbed Kiri and Kacchan and glitched away.

We watched the nomu fall onto its knees, are plain render it useless and we deemed it dead. We all sighed in relief that the most dangerous thing was brought down. At that time Todoroki was finished and made his way over to us. He was worried about something but I'm not sure what.

When he made is way over to us, he came in front of me. I was confused of what he was doing. We were beside the fountain, He told me to sit on the side.
Once I sat down he knelled in front of me, he grabbed my legs and separated them. "W-what are you doing?" I said in a loud voice, as a wave a heat rushed up onto my face. He scouted up and was now between my legs. "Lean back, I have some ornament to put on your stomach." He said opening up a small cylinder that had a tan cream inside. "Ow, oki." I felt embarrassed, what did I think he was going to do. We were in a fight for god sakes. Wait do I have a crush on Todoroki. Their no way. I always had a thing for tougher men like Kacchan. Shit do I also have a crush on him too. I was interrupted from my gay panic by cold hands touching my stomach. They were soft. I didn't realize I started purring while he was rubbing the cream on. I look down to see him blushing. Once he finished I wined from the loss of touch. Both Todoroki and Kacchan looked over at me surprised that I made that noise. We all blushed and looked away. However the sudden laughter caught our attention. I forgot they were still here. Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Kacchan; "What the hell are you laughing at handy man?"

We all laugh at the newly well thought nick name, even Todoroki and Kurogiri did. The boys near me all get in a fighting stance. I was a little ways away and they weren't paying attention to me. I glitched over behind Kurogiri to tell him to get them both outa here. He shook his head and I went back to my position, relaxing a little. I known they weren't going to attack so why be tense.


The door to the USJ busted open revealing the pro hero's that were late. I turn back around to Kurogiri and I signal for them to leave before they get caught. He seems to notice this and tells Shigaraki that it's time to leave. Shigaraki didn't want to and charged at us. I glitch in front of my group and grab Shigaraki, pulling up a barrier. I can't be too long, the pros are watching. (If you recall Deku barrier mutes what the people inside of it are saying. The people on the outside can't hear anything)

Deku; "Shigaraki you need to leave, if you don't they going to catch you!"
I was worried for my family. He strong but I'm still scared I lose him. We start to exchange blows but nothing that's hurts me. He would never do that. "We can talk when I get home." I see Kurogiri power up a portal and I drop my barrier and glitch near Kurogiri and push Shigaraki in. I fall on the ground making it seem like I tripped and they escaped. However Shigaraki came back through. When he did I heard gun shots. I look up and see that he had 3 bullet holes in legs and one in his torso. I begin to panic.

Blood dropped on my face. I was shocked and worried at the same time. He fell back into the portal and then it disappeared. I couldn't move. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. Suddenly a flashback came to my mind.

I saw my mom talking to my dad. It was the day I meet him and she dies. Then I heard gun shots. The same ones that I heard moments ago. I see her fall to her knees. I felt warm tear drops go down my face. They I was pushed back into reality. Kacchan and Todoroki were hugging me while whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

Those gun shots were the same ones that I heard a few seconds ago, and the same ones I heard when my mother died. I turn around looking at the entrance. The group of hero's who were helping the injured out. My eyes land on a certain hero though. The one that uses guns and the one I believed killed my mother.



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Thank you everyone who is super my story. When I wrote this I didn't think it would get this far. I will keep trying my best to post grate chapter, once again THANK YOU.

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