The Attack

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After the mist was gone, Me, Todoroki, Iida, and Kacchan were left along with Thirteen. When I met eye contact with the two boys holding onto me so that they wouldn't be separated from me due to the mist they soon let go. However Kacchan be Kacchan made a smart remark. Soon after Thirteen tells us to
come to her so we can make a plan.

Thirteen; "KIDS, Are you all right."

ALL Students; "Yea, but what happened too all of the other students?" I was just standing their while all the other students ramble on about a plan, however none of that would work. They were going to have people who didn't have the skills try and complete the mission, if their goal was to get out her alive they plan would mostly to the opposite, is this how hero plan.

Deku; "I have a plan." Everyone turned around and looked at me.
Kacchan; "We already have a plan, stupid Deku, so just sit back an look pretty." Once he said that he pushed my last buttons, they all were about to get ready to try the suicide mission when I flipped.
Deku; "YEA AND THAT PLAN GOING TO GET YOU ALL KILLED, knowing and analyzing the opponent skill sets are an important part of planing a mission. Your a pro hero, Thirteen, you would think you would know this. So far we know the one villains who separated us from are class mates has a warping quirk. So if we try to run aimlessly without distracting him your just going to get warped somewhere in the facility and then it would be harder to get help. Not only were you all just going to run straight into the fight without a decent plan you were not taking in you allies quirks. Iida has a speed quirk, he will make the run to get help while Todoroki will create an ice path to boost up his speed. Kacchan and Thirteen will protect both of them because most likely the other villains will try to stop them. While this is all happening I will trap the warp villain in my barrier type quirks and glitch around so he won't be able to catch me and send me away braking the barrier."

I take a deep breath knowing that all of them have listened to what I had to say. " Now which plan are u going to chose, Life or Death." I look Kacchan in the eyes, "or am I asking took much of you, pretty boy."

Thirteen; "Your right, we completely ignored the information that has presented itself to us. It would be stupid to charge in and all get warp around the building." She said looking down, but suddenly looked at me, " Let's follow Midoriya lead on this one, You my boy have a good strategy and will become a grate hero."

Deku; "Yea, unfortunately that not my goal. Now let's stop strategizing in front of our opponent and help our classmates." Before they could ask what I meant about being a grate hero was not my goal. I glitched I front of my new opponent. I smirked as I put up a barrier. Once activated, people on the outside can't hear what going on inside, unless Izuku losses his control on the barrier. "Got to hand it to you, I wasn't expecting to see you. Kurogiri."

Kurogiri; "Sorry. You know the deal, not allowed telling the bosses kid info on a mission. He very strict, now Izuku could step asides and let us complete the mission."

Deku; "Sadly right now we are on different sides. I have to act like a "hero", however I'll make sure to make a mistake so u can escape at the end. Now "GO YOU FUCKERS."

This caught the attention of my new squad signaling for them to start the mission, unfortunately a few small villains attempt to stop them. Which were quickly shut down my Kacchan boom boom tactics. Just as I explained my plan, it is carrying out exactly how it was designed. I just hope the rest of my classmates are fighting with every thing they got. They might only be pons in my game but they are growing on me.

I constantly glitch around in my barrier, until I hear a crack sound. I look over to see a crack. I wasn't injured or tired and their is no way it's been 9 hours. My team was almost at the door, but my barrier was braking down fast. As I'm looking around my vision starts to become blurry. It then hits me, I've been glitching around too fast and I could maybe just about glitch 2 more times.

Luckily my team was within my 10 meter limit. I had to make the executive decision and change the plan. As soon as my barrier brakes I will glitch over to Iida and get I'm outside before Kurogiri warps him away. It was a matter of speed, was my glitch better than his portal.
Find out next chapter. ☺️😆
Hey people. This book already has over 550 reads. Thank you. Also I thought I had next chapter started already but I guess I don't so it might take a little longer, sorry.

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