Second Chance

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As soon as those quirk canceling cuff were on I was done for. Yes I could fight back but I have 3 alphas around me, their no chance in hell I can get out of this. They called the police to notify them if my arrest. We were here for so long that a crowd  has started to form around us, All Might is so flashy.

Once my father finds out he might come and get me, or just order his lackeys to come and get me. He problem finding out now. When I get back im ending is with that bastard Dabi. I stayed with him but he just left.

Im staying silent for now but I cant stop feeling like I did something bad. Both Kacchan and Todoroki are just staring holes into the top of my head. "Dammit Toya" I whispered. This caught the attention of a certain half and half. Todoroki rushed up in front of me, grabbing both solders and made me look up at him.

"What did you just say Izuku?" He said to me in a worried tone. Shit I forgot Toya is a Todoroki, which is Dabi. I try to play it off but before I could answer All Might interrupted. "We should get him to UA and them decide on what were going to do with him. "Wait why are we going to UA and not a prison." I said clearly confused. " Because your a minor Deku and your not going to jail." Kacchan said but im still confused. Well I guess ill have to wait and see what happened.

*Time Skip To UA*

As we arrive I notice some building that weren't their before, I was curious but didn't bring it up. Both Kacchan and Todo leave to get out of their costumes. It was in the middle of the day so classes were still going on. As we entered to long hallways their were some 2nd and 3rd wondering around. Some noticed me and some didn't, what they were mostly focused on was All Might. Im guessing were making our was to the principles office or a meeting room ether way this is going to be exhausting. We soon make it to my once old classroom, I was confused to say the least.

Then both Kacchan and Todo show up again and I feel the once cuff on both wrists disappear. I took this as my chance to escape and tried to glitch away, but it didn't work. I took at my wrists to see if I was mistaken but what I found was a single bracelet replacing the cuffs. Escape was not an option.

"Welcome Back!!!" I hear a loud group shout. I look up and the door to the classroom was open. Almost all the students were looking at me smiling as if nothing happened, even Aizawa looked happy. I found this all to amusing, I killed people and they are acting like this. "Well good luck with your study's young man, I will see you in a bit." All Might said walking away leaving a opening to escape.

Mr. Aizawa caught on to this and warped his capture gear around me pulling me into the classroom. Kacchan and Todo both followed me closing the door. I was in the front of the room a few feet away from the teacher, I was sweating from the pressure of his glare.

"Thank you" he said in a low voice. Mr. Aizawa thanked me. "I heard you and you fast thinking mind was the one to save me 2 years ago and so thank you" he added. I was shocked he does no after I saved him I killed a man, right? I was literally caught red handed. I couldn't take it anymore, I busted out laughing. It was all too funny, this was one hell of a joke. "Um Deku your ok?" Kacchan said. "Yea this is all too funny, I didn't know you can just kill people and get away with it. If i know this I would have let myself go. You guys must be... SLAP!!

"Ow, that hurt" I was pissed at whoever slapped me. I released my intent to kill and looked up whom hand slapped my face. To my surprise it was Kacchan, him being dense didn't feel the aura I was giving off. "You didn't kill them because your wanted to you did it out of spite for revenge. A nerd like you probably didn't enjoy it too. Tch." He said being as dense as a brick wall. I mumbles two simple words. "Your wrong,"my head was tilted down. Not because im ashamed, not because what he said was true, to honest all I felt was numb after I did it, I just didn't want him to feel sorry for me.

After that Aizawa told the class that today was a free day and they could go back to the dorms if they wanted too. However he took me to a faculty room were a meeting is taking place to explain what im doing here. We were entering the room now, I could hear the voice of many pro-heroes. Some yelling or just talking, or some just saying nothing. As we enter the room go silent.

When we walked in the room their were tables shaped in a rectangle with a gap in the middle. Which people sat around, their was a screen in the front that projected images. Heros like All Might, Midnight, Present Mic, Mount Lady, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Mirko, and of course Endeavor, who in my opinion is a villain. In the middle of all them and the set of rectangular tables were a chair. Which im taking that is for me so before anyone says anything I walked to it and sit down. Once seated I cross my legs and look as the principle in they eye.

Of course the first one to say anything is the fake hero himself. "Why are we even having this meeting in the first place. Many have already witnessed him kill a man in cold blood and even work with many villain groups." He said with a half smirk on his face. Principal Nezu spoke before he could say anything else. " Well Mr. Midoriya we have chosen to part your crimes, however you will not go unpunished. We are making a new program in this school to set back villains that are underage. You will attend the hero classes you took before and the other classes as well. You will be permitted to train with the teachers but not the student, you are not aloud to use your quirk on any other accusation unless instructed too. As you might have noticed their were new buildings out found, those are dorm rooms. You will be living their from now on, it has been equipped with cloths, and any other utensils for living." He took a breath in between his speech.

"Their are cameras set up to watch you in your room, but not the bathroom. Your guardian who will take care of your for now is Mr. Aizawa, he will get you anything you need. Also consider all the teachers your family, make some friends while your hear. We already know everything their is to know on why you did this. After snipes death we found a note in his place explain what could happen to him due to his mistake. Your school day will start tomorrow, in the mean time go hang out with you classmates and settle in your new home."

Before I could say anything the meeting was over, some teacher got up and left to go teach for the day but most were still here. Mr. Aizawa then walked up to me to lead me out but before that I stopped in the door way to say something. " Dont expect me to think your on my side or that you know anything about me. You wont ever understand. Also I dont plan to be here long, ether my death will come or I will escape. Heros are the bad guys and I will never trust any of you again." I said earning a few shocked gasps or other sounds. I started walking while Azawa lead me to my room. This was going to be a long experience.


Hello this is the author, due to it being summer and with everything going on right now. I thinking about taking a break from this. It wont be a long one just maybe a week or two. Ive been busy and barley finished this before I had to post. Also knowing me ill probable get inspiration and start writing before my brake ends. Once again im sorry for this. THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME TO 2K. I didn't expect that and I hope this keeps growing, I love you all.

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