Reunion (Part 2) 

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How speaking going to go....
*Kacchan POV*
Kacchan; "DEKU!!"
The boy in the black tank top turned away from whatever he was doing and ran to Izuku, embracing the smaller male in a warm big hug. As soon and I hugged Izuku I smelled a sweet mint and vanilla sent coming off of him. It took a few
seconds for the smaller male to return the hug. His small arms wrapped around my torso.

*Izuku POV*
Bakugou has definitely grown since the last time I saw him. I use to be taller that him but now the top of my head is up to his shoulders. However I'm still stunned that he hugged me, he would never do this back then he would always think I was week if I wanted a hug. His arms were wrapped around my waist while his hands almost looped around to the front of my sides, he rested his head on my shoulder nuzzling into my neck. I could feel his hot breath hitting my sent glands which made me shiver. My head was in his chest, he smelt like caramel and wood shavings.
Izuku; "H-Hey Kacchan... Umm could you.."
Kacchan; "Where were you the past 11 years? Once me and my mom heard what happened we thought you were kidnapped or worse killed. Even though the police and hero's said you went with your dad we were still scared. You could have contacted us to tell us you were safe."
Izuku; "Could you let go of me... for a second, your squeegeeing me..."
After I somehow said that while wheezing he quickly retracted his arms and moving both hands to squeeze my face. I put on a pouty face while I blow up my case and making a hmph sound. That gained a laugh from the taller male.
Izuku; *GASP* "Did the grate Kacchan laugh from something a week omega did?"
Kacchan; "Wait your and omega!?"
Izuku; "The one and only, However don't underestimate me I... K-Kacchan Too tight." While I was in the middle of finishing my sentence Kacchan hugged me again almost squeezing the air out of me. He let go of me after I said too thought.

After that we walked to a small cafe and talked about what I've and him been doing for the past 11 years. Apparently he has been doing extremely well other than his parents splitting up. He now has a part time job and is still planning to become the #1 hero. He is an alpha and has a powerful quirk. I told him about my quirks and how I've been. I didn't mention that I'm may be living with dangerous villains and such so I skipped over that information. We both planned on meeting each other in UA if we make it. We have been talking for what felt like minutes however the buzz coming from my phone shocked me.

Izuku Phone;

Handy Man: Where the hell are you, it so late!!!

Izuku: I'm sorry, meet an old friend I'll come back now. 😖

Izuku; "Sorry to cut this short, but I have to get going, they want me home." I stand up ready to leave and I make eye contact with Kacchan.
Kacchan; "The next time I see you will be in UA once we pass the entrance exams." He gave me one last hug before I ran out of the small cafe back to the bar. However I ran back in to hug Kacchan once more and giving him a kiss on the cheek as I might not see him for awhile. I turned away but before I saw his face completely red, and soon I ran back to the bar.
I promise you this Kacchan, I will make it to UA no matter what. And if you figure out my reason to go their I will not hold myself back because I'm not the week kid you remember when we were 4.
Hello people, school work has been a lot and their starting to assign more and more. So the chapters won't be 1000 words they will be cut in half, So I can focus on them and not just rush throw like I have been with the longer ones. Those took like 2 days with and their were many spelling mistakes. Like always stay safe.

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