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Izuku POV:

When I came too their was so much blood but no pain. I looked around and then I saw them. Dabi is holding the collar of Kacchan shirt. "K- k- Kacchan?" I said. Dabi looked at me and smiles, "Hey princess, did you have a good rest?" He said. Dropping the body of Kacchan on to the floor. He wasn't getting up, Is he dead. I feel a warm tear fall down my cheek. No he can't be dead, I just got to see him again. I try to get up and run to him but Dabi just caught me and pushed me back on the the bed.

I try getting up again but I can't move. I try to pull my arms down me but they won't move. I was being held down, I open my eyes and Dabi has pinned me down on the bed. Dam when did I get so weak. I try fighting him off but nothings working. I look up to see him towering over me with a clouded look in his eyes. He starts too lean down by me ear. I can feel each stemmy breath hit my ear and sent shivers down my spine. He started to kiss me from my ear to my collar bone leaving red spots all along. I try getting out of his hold but I still can't manage to get away.

He then straddles me and releases my hands. I try to push him off so I can run but he doesnt budge. The cold air hit my chest, Dabi had ripped off my shirt. Each button is gone and my chest is now fully visible. He leans over me, making contact with his lips to my skin. Each kiss he took made more red spots. He slowly but surely is making it down to my v-line leaving kiss marks down my stomach. I try to keep in the noises but I let one slip. A loud enough moan escaped my mouth letting Dabi hear it.

"Are you liking this baby, I know you do. Don't worry I won't make it hurt..... at least not for me." He said looking at me but not moving his head from the seam of my pants. The look on my face must have been priceless, I was scared. I had to get out of his grip but how if I dont he just might kill me and Kacchan might die. I-I need to stay calm, I j-just need to find an opening to attack. In pure power alone without any quirks i'm not that strong but I can manage if he doesnt see it coming. I just need a few seconds to run away.

I need to act like i'm defenceless so he lets his guard down, so I start yelling for help. "HELP" "I D-don't want this!!" I keep squirming, and pushing him away. Until he pin me to the bed again. Then he started unbulking my paints, he was so focused on this he was left open. His left side, My legs were under him but I could get them free. I quickly knee him in the side and then take my leg that between his legs and kick him in the balls. He bends over groaning in pain. This was my chance to run.

I jump up from the bed and make a run for it to the door. Once there I balt to the elevator. The doors started to close, when I pressed the first floor button but end up collapsing pressing the 2nd and 3rd as well. As the doors were about to shut a hand grabs it forcing the doors open. I look up and here enters the person I most feared. Dabi.

He entered and grabbed me pulling me up by my hair to his face. "That wasn't funny, and hurt like a son of a bitch." He said with venom lacing every word. He then throw me down on the ground, and ran his hand throw his hair revealing his forehead. He smirked and came at me on the floor. Once he was over me again he took his belt off and put it around my hands using it like handcuffs. He then drove his leg between mine pressing on a very sensitive spot while letting out strong pheromones. Before he went any further there was a loud beep and the doors to the elevator opened revealing a very confused and shocked Kirishima, Uraraka and Ashido.

Ashido immediately grabbed her walkie talkie and radio something in. I couldn't understand and the world before me started getting blurry. I was very hot and felt like I was suffocating. That's when a loud bang was heard from the staircase. All of my classmates were standing there. Before Dabi could think of anything else Iida ran toward us grabbing me and then turning back around. I was now out of Dabi hands, Iida placed me in the staircase. He took of the belt that held me down, that's when I started panicking.

"k-Kacchan is hurt... Help him,dying, blood, so much, l- leave me and h-help him" I said crying my eyes out refusing any help he tried to give me. I started to have a panic attack and hyperventilation but then warm arms wrapped around me. "Shhhhh, Don't be scared, I'm ok I won't leave you." I opened my eyes to be meet with warm red ones. My breathing started to slow down, making my attack go away. "I-I thought you were dead, I don't wanna lose you." I said between tears. "I won't go that easy. How could I leave someone we love." He said. I paused, what did he mean we love. That's when I noticed the fear on his face as he realized what he just said. We separated looking at each other dumbfounded. "Wait y-you love me, no no no. What did you mean by we?" I said looking at Kacchan. He looks up and their waites Todoroki. Todo then kneels down to our level and say. " We weren't going to say anything until later but," He looks at Kacchan and then both back at me. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE OUR BOYFRIEND" Both boy yelled at the me. They both started to mumble things along the line of, "Were in a poly relationship, we both liked you even before you left and when we meet you recently it confirmed it."

I started crying, which made things worse because they jumped up and started reassuring me. "I'm not mad I'm happy" I say with tears still coming from eyes but I have a smile on my face. "I-like both of you two." I said,but then looked down, "I'm not sure what will happen in the future or what I'll do. Right now i'm confused, and still trying to find answers. I'm not sure on a lot of things, but I know I don't deserve you, happyness or anything really but I want it all. I've made lots of mistakes that i'm not proud of and while telling you all this and with you knowing that if I do become your boyfriend Im going to be bring lots of baggage. If your willing to put up with me, a weak, messed up, person like me, well then I'm willing to be selfish and to become your boyfriend."

Once again I was wrapped in a warm hug or hugs but this time it felt different. No matter the things I did back then they still love me and will look past it all and make new memories with me. "We already know, and all those imperfections you say, we love." Todo said. "Even though your a nerd, your ours now." Kacchan said pulling me into a kiss, then passing me to Todo to kiss. I finally found what my mom talked about back then.


I was siding on the floor in front of the couch were my mom sat. We were watching TV, when a movie came on. It was about a omega living a very hard life but then ran into an alpha and they were love interests. They started developing feelings for each other and got together, the basic move. "Hey Izu, can you promise me something?" My mother said. "Yea momma" "If your an alpha or omega, follow your heart and trust yourself. If your ever in a bad spot choose what you want. This world is difficult and you may come to regret things, however when your find that someone never let them go. If you make a mistake, fix it. Its ok to be selfish, no one will give you what you want you must take it. Live your life with people your proud to call your friends ok Izu?" "Yea mamma, I'm going to be as strong as All Might and have a BIG family. While growing old and helping people!" I said with excitement.


Mom if you can hear me, I found that someone and plan to stay with them. We break away from the kiss, all three of us were in a daze and barely notices what was going on around up but that's when the stairway door opened revealing a very bloody Dabi. "Wow Izuku, do you just spread your legs to just anyone. I mean come on where your standards." He said, he looked exhausted. "SHUT UP AND DIE" Bakugo said charging at him but before landing a hit he clasped. Dabi started laughing, while Todoroki got in a fighting stance protecting me. " Calm down Todoroki, I'm not going to fight any longer, I just wanted to let Izu know a little secret." He said looking strait at me. "Your father going to be really mad that his pride and joy got lost. We will come and get you so be ready. Because we won't stop until we are dead or we have you, your too valuable and we won't let you leave."

Before I could say a word everything went black, and I felt pain on the back of my neck. But I wasn't unconscious yet. I could hear what he said before I blacked out. " We sacrificed too much, I release you from our bound, we are no longer a pair. Bye for now, princess." Dabi said before I went unconscious.

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