Mission Save the Teacher

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*Izuku POV*

As soon as I hear my barrier brake I glitch over to Iida. He saw me and had a look of confusion on his face. I grab his waist and glitch right in-front of the door. "Go now or we won't have a chance." I yell over Kacchan loud explosions. He opened the door and ran out. That's when I fell, being tackled to the ground on my stomach. I started to struggle but then I felt him towering over me, with his breath hitting my ear. The next few words almost destroy what we fought for.

"Don't move."

He used his alpha voice. I couldn't fight it, my omega inside would let me disobey. I lay limp as I feel him takes both of my hands and bring them above my head. Holding me in place with only one hand. He leaned up to my ear to say something but before I hear a explosion coming toward me. It was Kacchan. The guy once holding me let go to doge the fire coming toward him.
I had just enough energy to glitch over to Kacchan then I black out.

* Time Skip Until Deku wakes Up*

Once I wake up I'm still in the USJ. I sit up and look around for anyone and to see what's going on. I noticed I was put off to the side of the stair case were some plants were. Their was a concrete wall surrounding the block of plants I'm wondering what happened and were everyone is. I'm still by the door but no one up here. As I'm begin to stand up still in though, I hear a scream coming from down the stair case by the fountain. I slowly peak over the small cement that covered the area I was being careful not to give away my position and what I see send shivers down my spine.

My teacher was being held down by a nomu. Those things were not good news. I heard of the L.O.V creating stuff that can take down All Might but I though those were just rumors to increase villain activity. The L.O.V works for my Dad and we're the people who built this collar. I move my hand up to touch the cold metal around my neck. It makes you wonder what they put into this thing for all I know it could kill me with a click of a button but I trust my father not to do that kind of thing. Unless he shows evidence otherwise I will begin to believe he is the hero to this story.

I start to move down to the fountain area still hiding. I take in the surroundings. Their are a few small villains who are starting to wake up from previous attacks. I see that some other student in my class start to appear. Kacchan, Kirishima, and Todoroki all fighting villains but what happened to the Pros who are supposed to be here. I quickly get rid of that thought, those "hero's" won't be here in a hurry. What the problem if they lost a few kids from an attack, it happens all the time. I see Shigaraki and Kurogiri talking to each other probably about what their going to do next because it was kinda obvious their plain not going as they hoped. Their plan was probably to meet All Might and kill him with the nomu. I can start to fight whenever it starts to look bad. From me passing out, I got a good rest and most of my strength back. I look over to see my teacher still being held down by that thing. My first priority is getting him free, he looks like he in really bad shape. After that I don't know. Kacchan and his group look like their going to be done soon so they can join in and help me.

I wait for the right moment when their most distracted. Shigaraki and Kurogiri started to get in an argument and they turned around not facing me. I decide this is the best moment to attack, I start to power up my quirk and focus on were to go and what to do. With out even blinking I glitch over to the nomu and grab him. Then before it can react I yell. "KACCHAN GET SENSEI" then glitch as far away with this thing. Once my feet felt the ground beneath them, I felt a huge pain in my stomach and go flying back to were I glitched from and slammed into the fountain.

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