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2 Year Time Skip

It has been two years since I ran away from UA. I am now 18 and one of the most wanted people in Japan. Not because I killed 2 people or anything but because im still a minor. I have been through a lot the past two years that most people wouldn't even dream about. After I left the USJ everyone was waiting for me. Somehow they know what happened and what happened. They invited me to the League Of Villain and of course I said yes. However that lasted for over 7 months until I quit. For being a bunch of villains their wasn't lots of freedom, Im not a fan of just being in the kitchen looking pretty. I have been keeping an eye on anything UA related and or anything that would bring more danger to Kacchan or Todoroki. Even though they probably hate me I still care about them.

I became sort of a problem child, I would almost get caught, get in fights that I couldn't win on my own and never had good love partners. I would always date a league member which was a bad choice. All they wanted was my body or for me to be a normal omega and quit the life of a villain. Insted of throwing punched and kicking people they wanted me cleaning and cooking food at their house, Im not a fan of that and so i left them. Being an omega has many down falls. Each year I have a heat which would always be a pain. My father would lock me in a safe room so none of the base members would try anything funny. Their was only one time that that kind of thing happened but it was stopped almost as soon as it started.

Over the few months in the league I learned about the person who gave those hero's that false Intel, it was a close colleagues to my father who only does what their ordered . After finding this out I was suspicious that father had something to do with it.  I started distancing myself to gather info on him. I never talked to that man due to his "schedule" but latter I got the chance. I took off the collar he gave me due to those suspensions, which cased some problems but i took care of most of them. During that journey I meet many villains than have me many allies or enemy's.

I meet a villain called Overhaul, we were dating at one point but it didn't last long. After we broke up be we're still friends, it was a mutual brake up. Their was this little girl that would always be their. She has this fascinating quirk. Yes, im still fascinated in that kinda thing. (They never experimented on her) As soon as I meet her we became best friends, she would always smile. I visit them every now and then.

Currently I've been dating this guy named Dabi. He is an alpha with a strong quirk. For the most part we get along and at night we, let's just say we are very compatible. However I sometimes think of Kacchan and Todoroki while ummmm during ummmm. *Blushes* well you know.... He a good guy and all but nothing compares to those two.

Nowadays I've heard rumors of two gay hero dating, and that those hero's most likely are Todoroki and Kacchan. Those two have been looking for me nonsense. I haven't really killed anyone. The only people I killed was Snipe and fake intel guy and some other minor crimes like robbing a convent store. That would only get me like 2 years in jail, no big deal.

Right now I just left the bar to take a walk. Lately Dabi has been very rough and bossy. I think his rut period is coming soon which scars me. As I walk down a dark and gloomy ally way, at the end I see some hero's on portal. As long as I act normal nothing happens. As I excited the narrow path I smell familiar alpha pheromones. The sent of two certain young hero's in training. I look to my left and see the two minor hero's I saw moments before. In front of them were the alpha I smelt. Todoroki and Kacchan. I turn to the right and pull up my hood so they can't see my hair I had a green jacket on with a few knives here and there and a gun in my back pocket for protection.

As I begin walking down the rode the opposite direction I hear a nickname that I begin to miss. I didn't turn around but kept walking as if I heard nothing. Not until I felt two large alpha hands grab my both shoulder that I stopped I'm my tracks. I could hear them out of breath. They probably noticed my sent and ran after me. Just stay clam and I can get out of this.

Deku: "I think you have the wrong person." I said in a nonchalant tone. I somehow get out of their grip and continue walking. Everything would have worked out fine however fate had other plains. Of cores Dabi had to come and look for me.

Dabi: "Hey, Broccoli Boi wait up!" I was shocked. Now of all times why. I turn around hoping the two boys left already. But jugging my luck the were standing right their. Once I made eye contact with Kacchan his eyes widened. I notice behind him Dabi was standing their with an "Ow Shit" expression. The next thing he did shocked me. He just ran away, leaving me behind. I mean really, im your boyfriend well I guess not anymore with that stunt.

I see both Todoroki and Kacchan coming to me. I turn around and run, dogging the extra people. I need to lose them. I ran as fast as I can down the street. I can hear the two boys behind me yelling for me but then the heard 2 words that send silvers down my spine. Both of the boys yelled All Might. Im no match for him. I started looking around for places to hide and or the man himself. All of the sudden I feel a gust of wind blow past me. I close my eye so i dont get anything in them. Once I opened them I saw the one person I hoped to never see again.

All Might: "Young Midoriya, we finally found you!!" His loud booming voice of justice was too much for my ears to handle they almost bled. By the time he said that the boys already caught up to me. Before I known it I was caught. Their were quirk canceling cuffs elementally put on me. My luck is even worse today.

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