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Azawa told me we would talk about that after class and that for now just answer some questions. After that the student asked some more minor, less important things that I just answered. This lasted until their small brains couldn't think of anything else. Then Azawa dismissed us but I stayed in the room to discuss the problematic hand. "When exactly are you expecting to go into heat?" Mr. Azawa said. "In about a week." He sighed, you could tell he was beating himself up about forgetting about this.

"What kinda suppressants do you take, and had strong are your omega pheromones." He asked. " Well here the thing no suppressants work for me, my father had to make some personally for me, he also not that man who will give them too you, and to answer to your second question with out those suppressants my pheromones are crazy strong." I said once again rubbing the back of my neck. "And this just might be a good piece of information but my old lover............... His rut period is almost here if not already. He made a temporary mark on me so when he does hes going to come for me." I said breaking eye contact because I was starting to get embarrassed and wave of heat came up onto my face. Saying that just now is basically admitting that I'm not a virgin.

Even though me and Dabi did it I never had intercourse with him while on my heat but this year it just so happened he was having his rut near the same time as my heat. Me and Dad already made a plain to keep me safe from him but now that I'm not with him Dabi most likely going to find me and you know. If he does I'm going to be defensive less and he will no doubt get me pregnant. "Don't worry about that, I will talk to the principal and we will find somewhere safe and we will protect you. For now prepare and make a list of things you need. The day before your heat we will take you to you safe place. Also make a list of people who you trust, in case of a "nesting" need." He said and after dismissed me to go to the dorms.

I must have been shaken up because while I was leaving I noticed I was shaking. Even though I dated the guy he still kept a lot of secrets. To be honest I was going to brake it up after my heat. I been having suspicions of him cheating on me, the only reason I dated him in the first place was because he asked me and we had some stuff in comment. Before that I never really noticed him but during that time I had just got dumped and it was really rough for me. I figured I could use him to get over my old ex but before I realized it I was too deep to just brake it up. We spent so much time together in public and in bed that I never really got the chance to say, "Hey I dont love you bye." Now I finally feel free from his grasp.

I soon arrived at the dorm room hearing many different voices. I have to admit I really did miss these guys. I took a deep breath and walked in. It was like the old times. Every one talking about different things but yet they all relate. I didn't realize a smile had creeps up onto my face well reminisce in the past. However that all changes when the UA alarms go off. Everyone in the room looks toward the door then at each other. "Deku close the door, we will be safe in hear." Uraraka said. So I closed the door and soon as I did we all heard many clicks indicating the doors locked. " So what do we do now?" I asked while a few other nodding their head agreeing with me. " The protocol says to wait for further instructions. The main office should be calling up to tell us whats happening. So lets all sit down and chill." Iida said and as if on que the dorm phone starts ringing.

Iida being the class president walked over and answered it.

Caller: "This is the report. A member of LOV had successfully entered the UA building. He goes by the name Dabi, his quirk is Cremation. Stay in the dorms and protect Izuku Midoriya dont let him get Izuku. We believe that what he after."

Iida: " Yes sir, Is their another helpful info."

Caller: " Yes, any omegas you have in your class bring them too the top floor. Dabi is in rut and that is why he is here. Your teacher informed us on a recent convocation he had with the student and this is what we beleave to be true. Once again keep Midoriya  safe. Dont fight unless you have to. You have a little time to prepare he is still trying to find him. Good Luck and we will do what ever we can to keep him away, but most heroes are out of the city."

Iida: " Ok, we will protect our students and everyone will return to class on time tomorrow."

Caller: "We will contact if further development. He as a few other villains dealing with the heroes now. Good luck and bye."

Iida: " You too, bye"

As soon as Iida hung up he looked strait at me with pity in his eyes. This comforted the one thing, the one thing i hoped it wasn't.  Dabi was here and he wasn't here to help me but for his own needs. If I so as get one wiff of his pheromones im done for, I cant even use my quirk due to these cuffs. I hate to admit it but im scared. I felt hands cup around my both shoulders, I flinch and start shaking, squeezing my eyes close. I then feel arms wrap around the fount and back of me.

I was engulfed is the warmest hug. "Were not going to hurt you, dont be scared we are hear." That voice belonged to Kacchan. He always smelled like caramel, but now im also smelling peppermint. I look over me shoulder and to my surprise Todoroki was also hugging me. I didnt push away, this felt right. I snake my hands around Kacchan and hug him tight, letting a tear fall down my face. "Please dont leave, I-im scared." I said in his ear almost not saying the last part.  "Never." He replied squeezing me tighter almost as if I will slip out of his grasp. We stay like that for a few miniatures until Iida caught.

That when I realized everyone was still here. I push them away with my face as red as Kirishima hair. Both boys realize why I pushed away and they grabs my hand leading me up stairs. They take me into my room seeing how its the biggest out of all of ours. "This the forth floor so its the safest. We will stay with you until this is all over." Kacchan said is the most soft voice Ive ever heard. I was siting on the bed when he came and kneel in front of me. "May I ask why you are scared. I thought you two were a thing" He said in that same voice. "Well when me and him first got together, I didnt do it because of love. I thought that many be if I had a distraction that I could forget about by ex before him. My old ex dumped me for one of my best friends and broke my heart.

I-I was going to do something I would regret but then Dabi came to me and asked if I would be his. We made a temporary bond and everything. I was just using him bit got too in deep. I couldn't brake it up, I felt taped. Sometime after when I tried too he just pushed it off but when I told him I meant it he he well ummmm, beat me. I never brought it up again out of pure fear. I had no one to help me. When you guys found me and took me away from him I was kinda happy and revealed." I was crying now. I must have looked so weak and they probley hate me for He then go up and hugged me this lasted until Shoto came back into the bedroom with some food and tea. "We will protect you Midoriya. This might come to a shock to you but we care about you." Shoto said, he was going to sit down when I said something that I would never live to regret. "Hey Shoto, Call me Izuku and thank you I care about you too."

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