Good Bye

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Those gun shots were the same ones that I heard a few seconds ago, and the same ones I heard when my mother died. I turn on looking at the entrance looking at the group of heroes who are helping injured out. My eyes landed on a certain hero though. The one that uses guns and the one I believe killed my mother.


I couldn't control myself, my mind was racing. What should I do. I kept thinking about my mother death, how I felt so alone. I didn't talk for weeks after that and I felt like it was my fault. I would have night terrors every night for the first few years. The man who caused all of that pain was standing before me. I try to stand up only to have Todoroki and Kacchan not releasing their grip. "Stay down" they said, but I needed answers. I glitch away from them.

Some of the hero's were helping medically. As I was walking up the stairs toward Snipe an old lay with gray hair put up in a bun with a syringe walked up to me. I believe she goes by Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl: "Honey could you sit down for me so I can look at your wounds?"

Deku: "I'm fine don't worry...I..." She ended up cutting me off by saying, "Sunny boy, seeing your body and what shape it's in make me worry. Just sit down and I'll be done in a minute." As she is lightly pushing me to the ground so I can sit while she heals me. I couldn't feel any pain currently but I know it was gonna hurt like a son of a bitch tomorrow.

I see that the hero's and some officers are going around arresting the abandon  villains. My mind is still fixated on Snipe, I want to have a conversation with him and maybe through a punch at him. I could hear Todoroki and Kacchan freakin our about me disappearing, they will notice at some point. The medicine hero, Recovery Girl finished bandaging my small cuts and looking at my wound on my stomach.

I stand up and walk to Snipe, hiding all will to kill him. I'm trying my best to remain calm and not draw attention. I don't want any pros to interfere so when I get close to him I put up my barrier. I have enough strength to have this baby up for at least an hour or two. He try's to walk out but notices my barrier befor bumping into it. He turns around facing me, then his face goes white.

Snipe: "Your Izuku Midoriya, am I right?"

Deku: "........." I stayed silent trying to remaining calm.

Snipe: "I heard what your made it into UA, after the first day of school. Izuku im so..."

Deku: "THATS MIDORIYA TO YOU!!" As my calm act begin to slip I couldn't keep from yelling at him.

Snipe: " Yes well, I'm guessing the reason your here is because of what happened to your mom. Their no answer for what I did that day, and I'm truly sorry for doing that infrount of you but it was my job and...."

Deku: " ITS YOUR JOB TO KILL AN INNOCENT WOMEN. ITS YOUR JOB TO TAKE THE LAST THING I HAD AWAY FROM ME." I couldn't take it anymore, any act I had on before that was gone, I was crying, my eyes felt sore.
People begin to notice and I could hear some pros telling me to drop the barrier.

Snipe: "Listen to me, deactivate your quirks and let's talk somewhere else. I'll explain everything their." He turned around curtain I will drop the barrier.

Deku: "NO IVE BEEN WAITING LONG ENOUGH!! I don't need those fakes telling me to go home or you won't understand you're just kid. WELL LET ME TELL YOU IVE SEEN PEOPLE BEING TORTURED OR KILLED. Tell me everything now." I demanded. However the next sentence that came out from him WOULD me his last.

Snipe: " Your mother was the leader of a dangerous villainous group that killed many people. No one know what her identity was but the day before her death we got intel that she was the leader. We followed her until we got a clear shot on her. We didn't know she had a kid or that you were with her until after, if we would have known we would have went about it differently. We didn't tell the public for your well-being. We lied and said she was in the crossfire of another attack. I'm very sorry, if their was anyway of making this right I would take it."

I stood their is disbelief. How could the light to my world kill people she couldn't have. She couldn't even kill a pesky fly, she was only a week omega. Unless she put on an act, Has everything been a lie? Is he even telling the truth? No he can't be, I know my mother. The kind and innocent person she was.

Deku: "I know of a way for you to make it right. Since you killed my mother, I can kill you. How does that sound." Before he could reply or prepare I glitched behind him. I go to grab a knife from my bag and stab him in the back. "That's for killing my mother," I pull the knife out and stabbed him again, "That's for lying to." I once again pull the knife out but before I stab him again I lean to his ear and whisper, "And that's for hurting my dear friend, Shigaraki," then I move the knife up to his throat and slit it.

After I laid the finial blow his now lifeless body fell to the floor. Blood spilling out from under him. I was so fixated on killing this man I didn't realize the crowd around the barrier. I look up and see the shocked and terrified faces of many hero's like All Might, Midnight, Present Mic and my former classmates. My eyes widen when I see Kacchan and Todoroki. They just say me kill a man. My act at UA was destroyed, I couldn't go back. Although it didn't bother me I never wanted to be a hero in the first place. I went to UA to find answers and I got them. My next mission is to find out who gave false information on my mother to the hero's then kill them. After that I'll turn myself in. No one could hear the conversation that was going on in the barrier only if the read lips they would know what happened. I make eye contact with both Kacchan and Todoroki and mouth a few simple words before I left.

Deku: "I'm sorry, Thank You." Their eyes widened and before I could say anything else I felt a gust of wind behind me. I look back and a familiar portal. I walk into it backwards as I drop my barrier. Most pros went to Snipe but Kacchan and Todo ran to me trying to grab me but they were too late. The last words I heard from them, were my name. Good bye for now you two.

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