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Author Note; Incase it gets confuseing to read it will be like this...
Deku; or Izuku
~POV Young Izuku~
I look up and it's not mommy but some man with a black hair, half white and purple skin with a hoodie and black pants on. In other words he look scary and caused to yell. "MOMMY!!!" After I yelled I herd commotion behind me, I couldn't see what was going on due to me being faced towards his the man's chest.
Mom; "Izu baby don't move, follow what the man says," she said with scared a muffled tone as if she facing the other way.
After that I heard a thud from he kitchen and then mom's tears. I tried to push against the man to turn around but I was too weak.
Unknown; "Hello, Mis. Midoriya. You husband has returned as you may have put together by now and also Dabi put the kid down, for gods sake it's an omega."
Soon after that mysterious man told the guy named Dabi to drop me he did so. I turned around to see mommy, crouching down making a come to me motion. I ran to her and she picked me up.
Unknown; Well we better be leaving, for you sake and mine. Also I believe I haven't introduced myself, I am your husband right hand man, Tomura Shigaraki but just call me Shigaraki.
As I got a chance to look at this man who was taking us out and into that black car I front of our house, he also had a hoodie and black pants on too. I got a glimpse of his face. He had light blue hair that looked like he hasn't washed in days, his lips were so chapped that their was dry blood. Once we got in the car, mommy sat by the window and so did Mr. Shigaraki . I was sitting on mamma lap until I finessed my way to the middle seat earning a look from mommy which told me not to do anything stupid and then she continued to look out the window. I reached in my pocket to grab the band-ad I had just incase I got beaten up by Kacchan. Even though I never blamed him. I waited until mommy was zoned out enough, the I reached over and taped the hoodie man shoulder. Once those red eyes meet my green ones. I tried giving him the band-ad but he just stared at me in confusion. So I crawled over on his lap earning a gasp from him and mommy. Unravel the band-ad and put it over a large enough gash above his lips. The kissed it all better, with a smile on my face. Then all the sudden the driver hit the brakes, and I would've hit the back of the front seat, however somebody wrapped their arms around me and my head and hugged me so I wouldn't.
Driver; We arrived...
Once I opened my eyes I saw that Shigaraki was the one that helped me from getting hurt. "You should be careful, a-and thank you for the gift." He said with a light blush and he opens the car door, and puts me on the ground and gets out himself grabbing a hold my hand until we get to the other side of the car and gave me back to mommy. In front of me it was a big mansion compared to our small house. Then in front of the mansion I noticed their was a tall man with white fluffy hair, almost like mine but mine is green, he also had green eyes like mine. He had a long black jacket and a dark gray dress shirt with black slacks. Mommy was next to me to my right, she crouched down and told be this was my da...daddy. The man that was my so-called daddy said the next few words.
Daddy; Hello again, it has been awhile since I last say you, hasn't it.
Mommy; Yes dear, has it already been 4 and a half years.
I have never met daddy, Mommy only told me story's about him and that I probably won't see him for a long time, and also didn't know... BANG ... I was interrupted for my thoughts once I heard this ear shattering nose along with a red liquid being splash on the right side of my face. I slowly turned to look with a shocking expression on my face I see mommy fall to her knees then onto her stomach and then realize what happening. I crawled to her and herd he whisper only six short words and reach up to my face with her bloody hand leaving a print on my face before it dropped and Shigaraki pulled me back into the car. "I love you, stay safe..... Izuku ."  That was the last thing my mother said to me. Once the door closed and my so-called father was beside me, with Shigaraki on the other side of me hugging me. I began to cry my eyes out until I pass out from shock.
Author Note;
Word count; #869

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