Starting For UA (Part 1)

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*Izuku POV*
The UA Hero School, the best of the best. My dream it to take revenge for my
mother death and my first step is finding out the reason they killer her, and if someone gets in my way I will do the same thing they did to her. I might just be a weak omega but that will be my last setback I will ever have or so I hoped.

Their are 7 mouths till the entrance exam and I plain to train my quirks until I have full control over them. Lucky this collar I'm wearing is helping me not glitch out of reality. My other quirk, S.S is not the hard to keep under wrap due to me already having it under control. However both take a huge toll on me. S.S doesn't physically hurt me like glitch does, it only effects my mind making me mentally tired. However Glitch physically exhaust me. I can only use it for about 1 hour straight, after that my movement become slow by slowing down my hart rate and that leads to me passing out. I have a plain to make me stronger and help me somewhat control my "glitch".

Deku Workout: Workout Schedule
Monday: 10 minutes Jog, Flexibility Exercise
Tuesday: Fighting Lesson from Shigaraki and Dabi
Wednesday: Total Concentration
Thursday: Gymnastics, Flexibility exercises
Friday: Knife Aiming
Saturday: Optional Long Distance Run (3-5 miles)
Sunday: Rest Day

On Monday's I run around the block for about ten minutes or more then go with my dad to increase my flexibility. Let me tell you it's more painful than you could imagine. For normal omegas your pretty small and can fit in small spots due to them being active with their high energy levels, however I on the other hand don't exercise as much because I don't go out much and I'm always so tired. So I have to train for that when most are already flexible enough.

On Tuesdays Shigaraki and Dabi practically kidnap me and take me to the villains training room and force me to fight with them. I know I shouldn't be complaining because I asked them to do this for me but their attacks on me hurt so much.

On Wednesday I concentration on my breathing by trying to lower my heart rate so I can handle the effects of glitch and not pass out after 1 full hour of using it.

On Thursday I practice in a gymnasium and continue training my flexibility. I use the equipment their and go until I feel like my feet are going to fall off. I use the balance beams, uneven bars and a vault. I have been practicing some moves using this equipment that improve my agility.

On Friday I practice my aim, more specifically aiming with knives. Incase of my quirk gets cancel or where's off. This is more just a safety precaution or even to defend myself if all else fails. My father recommended this incase a Alpha attack and let out his hormones in means to stop my quirk.

The on Saturday I run very long distances to help my speed. Finally on Sundays I just rest and and regain my strength while waiting for Monday to come then I continue with the week plans.

*Back too Izuku POV*

Today is the Saturday and i have been doing this routine for 5 months. At the beginning I thought I was going to quit but due to the people around me I've kept going. It was 7am in the morning when I started getting ready to go out for my run. I'm now able to run the full 3-5 miles without stopping, my speed has also speed up and I'm really fast now. I told every one at the front of the bar I'm leaving now, I usually run by Aldera Junior High and back. Although it's far more than 5 miles I like to go due to that it's by the old playground I use to go to. My mom would always take me their or Kacchan would play with me their. While I was with him he would often call me mean names saying that I'm a useless crybaby and I will have a weak quirk and be like everyone else and be a beta. However I always loved him, no matter what he said or did I never took it to heart. I always believe he is just defending his egotistical self. I giggle at my thoughts and how I miss him. I remember he told be he was planning to be the best hero this world has ever seen and I hope he does. I hope he can show all those fake hero's a lesson on what it is to be a hero. He told me he was going to UA and I have hope that I will see him. I was just about to pass the Junior High when I saw someone else walking inside the school. I stoped I'm my tracks and took out one of my head phones. I was wearing a green hoodie with the words "SMASH!" written on the front in big red letters. The person in front of me had a black tank top on, am arm necklace and a black hat with a reddish-orange x on it. He had a pale blond spiky hair with the brightest red eyes. All the sudden he look over and my emeralds eyes meets his bright red rubys.

Sorry for not posting in a while, and this is a bit shorter that 1000 lol. The word count is 996. Well I hope you liked it and don't forget to like or comment, I feel like people don't like it but I'll be oki. More and more people are showing up and I appreciate it🥳🥳. I'll try posting before or during this weekend, stay safe and I love you all.

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