Starry 15

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Under a starry night, a man was sitting on a chair with his face bathed in light caused by the screen of his laptop. His fingers we're busy, clicking the letters on his keyboard. Most of the people are already snoring and rolling in their bed. But the skinny man was there, sitting in front of his latop, with a coke on his left and a multiple pack of different chips on his right. His white cotton shirt is loose and his eyeglasses are thick. His sweat is travelling down to his skinny body but he didn't mind it and continued what he is doing. But this one night made him lose everything.

The man sipped on his coke and suddenly, his laptop made a sound. He received a comment and it made him stared at his laptop. His hands stopped to move as he read the comment.

'Stop writing lame stories. You are not a good writer. You don't even have a  millions of readers and followers. Your stories are not interesting, such a waste! Don't waste your time, writing lame stories. You're not good!'

That one comment turned into hundreds. Hundreds of harsh comments. The man can't no longer bear. He stopped writing. He stopped everything, even his life.


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