Chapter THREE.

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(hi guys, so I just want to say something before you continue reading.
The feedback I'm getting is really kinda low, please that's what gives me the motivation to update new chapters.
Please don't just read, at least drop your votes and comments and add to your reading lists So my story can get to more readers searching for lovely stories like this.
Thank you as you do so.
Love, ×Tori×.)


*sola* (pov)

I woke up with a jolt. My forehead was beaded with thick sweat that was trickling down my damp face.

I rubbed the back of my palm over my forehead to ease the headache that was already forming because of the nightmare I just woke up from.

I was a bit shocked. I usually had pleasant dreams of when my parents were still alive and when we were always happy, going to the market with my mother and coming back home to arrange and plan the type of pranks we would play on my father.

But, tonight was different. I glanced at the clock on the opposite wall. 2:20AM it read.

I cleaned my forehead again, with my arm. I hadn't had a nightmare in months, or even in a year. Not like I loved the dreams I was always having, but this nightmare was one of my scariest nightmares.

I remember how I would jump up from sleep crying and kicking from fear of those reality-looking nightmares where it was like I relived the accident with my parents all over again.

Even though i tried to block out the images from my mind, they were there nevertheless. Even more clearer now that I woke up from the terrible dream.

The accident had been a terrible, terrible mistake. What wasn't suppose to happen. But unfortunately, some things cannot be controlled.

I remember the morning before the accident. When my dad, Mr Ade Ojo, had surprised me with the new already made beautiful red gown he got for me the night before as a pleasant surprise.

We were going for my dad's youngest sister's wedding at ikeja, Lagos.
My father had promised to get me a new pair 0f shoes, but instead I had gotten a new gown. I remember being so excited and happy.

"Ade, please let's just get a taxi instead of waiting for hours knowing we might not get a bus." my mom had complained to my dad after we had stood on the main road for over 25 minutes, waiting for a bus to ikeja.

"I was hoping to cut the cost so we'll have enough change for later, but okay. We can't afford to be too late" My dad had reluctantly agreed.

I remember being being very happy because I always hated traveling through public transport.
Not knowing I would later wish we had entered the public transport. The pain of regret washed through my body again, making me clutch my pillow beside me hard.

My dad had noticed that the taxi driver had been acting drunk, but my mom, in haste had forced him to over look it.

When the accident happened, I was fast asleep and I didn't come to till I was in the hospital bed.
But I roughly remembered my mother's screams and how she she had grabbed me and pushed me under the car seat, shielding me while the car must have been tumbling crazily. I didn't get to see her face before she left me, and I didn't get to hug my father before he left me.

I sighed and closed my eyes lying down on my bed.


"Sola! Sola!" It was Clara screaming my name from her office for the third time today. I have always hated Mondays.
I groaned as I stood up and went straight to her office.

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