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Dedicated to: Fairi1107 pinky5383 Love_Roxy17 Oladapoaishah MsIndrani Teemonera thanks alot guys.



*Third pov*

Clara stared at the child who was sleeping so peacefully. She'd draped him in her own over-worn pajamas and tucked him in her bed. His bed that was upstairs in the attic was tattered and filled with bedbugs and other insects. Hell, The whole place was filled with too many irritable creatures. Caroline had picked the warehouse where her father used to store some goods before.

Even through the tiredness and fear of not being close to his family, the boy had boldly told her his Name. Justin.
Clara chuckled silently. So cheesy, so....Sola.

Clara sat still as her mind went back to the time she had first met Sola. She felt the full force of that afternoon as her mom had informed her that her friend's daughter was there.

"Her name is Solaoluwa, and she's your age mate darling!" Her mum had said to her excitedly. Clara had been ecstatic when she'd met Sola for the first time. Sola had been so young and lovely, being so respectful and carefree. That was what had captured her attention, and she had liked Sola since that moment.

Clara could still feel that seed of envy, of jealousy she always felt whenever she glanced at Sola. The fair, beautiful girl.

Why can't my hair be as long as hers? Why don't I have her type of body shape? Why can't I be as good as her?

Those were always the thoughts that ran through Clara's head anytime they were out together, and Sola got all the attention she wanted for herself.
Being almost like a shadow of Sola had felt like hell.
And Sola, on the other hand, had always denied all the attention!.

A man would approach Clara, only for him to ask for Sola's contact or her information. But Sola would just wave it off like a Goddamn snow queen!.
"But he truly likes you, Sola! And he's loaded!" Sola would roll her eyes at the way Clara tried to hype her up.

"I could care less if he's loaded. Please, just tell him to get out. Or better still, you can accept his request."

Clara wouldn't say it out, but the envy and jealousy she always felt when Sola got the nicer hand from people was always consuming and palpable.

A lone single tear slid down her face as she thought of how her life had ricocheted. All for what? Hatred for her one-time best friend? The only person that had put up with her madness and bipolar behaviors?
Because of a man that didn't have a care in the world about her?

Sola wouldn't have done this to her if the situation were reversed.
What happened to me? Why did I become this way?

With a heavy resolution in her stone-stiffed heart, Clara picked up a paper file from a nearby cabinet. She glanced at Justin, who was still sleeping quietly, and began to write.



I glanced at Sola's door for the thousandth time. Three hours. She never slept that long during the day. Was she so exhausted or was there a problem?

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now