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Hello guys, how're you? I hope you're fine?
Thanks for coming a long way on my book. I really really appreciate it.

Dedicated to: Teefabulous Tomi_layo Love_Roxy17 omotola05 ishpep2 Sprinklesandlemons Pretty_July I love y'all. Thanks a lottt.

Read and Enjoy....



"Get out of the water, Justin! Justin!" I screamed in horror.

A minute ago, I and my son were playing water splash on each other in the large swimming pool and then, all of a sudden, Justin was drowning, I watched how he splashed and gasped in front of me, trying to stay above the water, trying so hard to defeat it. but I was unable to move. it was like I was being held down by some unforseen forces, stopping me from rescuing my son.

"Mommy! Mommy!" He kept screaming, It was like the water was beating him down, trying to swallow him. I pushed my hands forward, trying to break through. I moaned and screamed in frustration. Why couldn't I get to my son?! Justin! Please! Let me save him!

"Hang on, baby! I'm coming!" I screamed. But I still couldn't move my limbs. I was frozen in place.

Tears of confusion and frustration streamed down my face. It was getting darker and darker. I watched as Justin slowly lost consciousness. His tiny head going under the water.

"Justin! Justin! Justin!"

I gasped as I snapped my eyes open. I made a pained sound as I realized I just woke up from a nightmare.

"Come back to me, sugar. I'm right here, you're safe.. You're safe..." Slowly and distantly, Alex's soothing voice began to wave through me, making me visibly relax. My heart was racing so fast it felt like I was going to implode.

"Alex!...Justin.. He..."

"Shhhh... Justin will be alright. Our little boy is a strong kid."

"But.. He needs me! Justin needs me!" I moaned in a ragged breath, Feeling the tears pool in my eyes, I sobbed uncontrollably as I rested my head into his chest. He was stroking my widely tangled hair, whispering words of comfort to me.
I cried as I tried to picture the situation my son would be in at the moment. Was he being fed? Justin didn't like his food served cold.

Has he showered? Who will read him his bed time stories? Does he even have a bed to sleep in? I cried harder as the thoughts and imaginations kept crashing into me, making my head swim in despair.

"It was my fault." I conceded in a hard tone. "I should never have gone to the party. I intentionally endangered his life. Now look what has happened. I'm so stupid! I'm sorry, Alex!" I cried harder.

"Please, don't cry, baby. It's not your fault. It's mine. I should have protected the both of you. I love you both so much. I need you to be strong. Nothing will happen to our son. I promise you that. The police are already on Clara's trail. We will get them. And when we do, they'll pay for all the stress they've caused us." Alex whispered. I could feel the anger he emanated behind those words.

I nodded my head in belief and I trusted him. I felt my limbs grow numb as Alex pushed me back into the mattress with so much care and gentleness. He kept murmuring soothing words.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now