Chapter SIX.

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Hi, guys.. How are y'all doing? Hope you're staying safe. Please do. I love y'all.
Special shout-out to : @bisolaelizabeth guessitskirti and phell07 thank you for your contributions ❤️.




I stood stock still. Frozen. Shocked. I still couldn't believe someone had been here witnessing my embarrassing situation. My eyes and face were still burning hard but I was so shocked I didn't know how to react.

His hand that was holding the little hand wash bottle was stretched to me. I stared at it. It was like I was frozen. Couldn't move. Then he spoke.

"Take it" that voice, a rich baritone that was clear as day and husky at the same time. I gulped and jumped in to action.

I grabbed the bottle, turned back to the basin and started washing the hell out of my face.

After about ten minutes, I started to feel my face cool down. I opened my eyes, they felt sore and hot but the burning had stopped.

"Is everything okay miss?" I jumped as I heard his voice. I raised my head up. I gulped.

He. Was. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

Geez! I found my pulse unconsciously racing fast. I'd met my share of handsome men in my entire life, mostly because of where I worked. But this man. He was so handsome that I forgot to breathe while staring at him.

He was tall. Very tall. About 6'2 or 6'3 I wasn't sure, but he definitely towered over my 5'4 height.

His hair was neatly cut, fuller in the middle and shorter on the sides. But still looking like a classy low cut. with those amazing waves making them look dark and sleek and shiny.

"I asked if everything is okay." he said the second time. His voice firmer now.

I looked into his eyes, those dark pits, they were as black as the night, and good contrast to his olive skin. He was a very handsome man. I blinked and gave my head a slight shake trying to return to my senses.
Get a grip! Sola!

"Um.. Yes, yes sir, everything is okay. Thank you for your help... I.. I'm so sorry you had to witness that." I don't usually stammer, but here I was, stammering uncontrollably.

"Why were you scrubbing your face so hard? and why were you screaming for soap?"

"I.. I had some pepper in my eye, happened by mistake..."

"Oh, sorry. How does your eye feel now?"

"Better." I simply said. I unbuttoned the upper part of my shirt and used it to clean my face dry.

Only for it to start burning my eyes again!.

"Oh my God. I'm so foolish!" I said out loud, to my mortification.

"You got pepper in your eye again, girl" the man said. His voice raise as if he was annoyed with me. Why should he be annoyed? What was his business self?

Before I could comprehend, I felt two hands grab my hand, I slapped his hands away in alarm as I tried to push him away.

"Let me g-"

"Hey! Hold on, I want to help You out, you're going to hurt your eyes if they're not washed properly and gently." I heard his voice say, so close to me. I shivered. I wasn't supposed to feel this way. But I was.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now