Chapter SEVEN.

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Hi guys! I just want to thank y'all for your support. It has been wonderful here, I'm so glad I got to be on this platform and showcase my work. Thank you so much ❤️
I'm so sorry it took me awhile to update. Please stay safe y'all.
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Chapter dedicated to: shitddy Teefabulous guessitskirti BisolaElizabethmention a user
Merci ×Tori ×



I stared deeply at him. My eyes never wavering, my attention was fully on him. His hair looked fuller and he had scrubs on his perfect chin. We were both seated on the sand, the beach water playing with our feet and finger tips. We kept staring at each other like nothing else mattered, like no one else existed. Just the two of us.

"God you're so beautiful" his voice echoed to me as he gazed at me in wonder, studying every little details of my face.
He stroked my chin with the back of his fingers, his lips slightly ajar. I felt my eyelids unconsciously close at the feeling of his touch on my face. I wanted it to be this way. I wanted it to never stop.

"Alex" I sighed. I leaned into him, placing my palms tentatively on his chest, not sure of what was to come next. And then I felt my self being pulled onto his lap, his arms moving firmly around my waist. My breathing sped up. I was so nervous and excited about this foreign feeling, this desire for him, that was spiraling through my body.

I felt his lips touch my my neck, and I arced into him, marveling at the sensation. I gasped lightly, and my hands instinctively went around his neck. I knew he was going to kiss me, I was dying for a taste of his lips. That soft pink lips.

"You're mine, Sola. Mine" He said and began to move closer to my lips and I did the same. His lips touched my lips.

I woke up.
I sat up and hugged my pillow to myself. I'd been dreaming. I was dreaming of Alex, who I had met only once since about a month ago, when he didn't even remember if a girl called Sola existed.

I frustratingly hit my palm hard on my forehead.
"What is wrong with you Sola?" I asked my self in the dark bode of my room. Alone.

For weeks now I'd been having dreams of Alex. Of me and Alex together. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't control my insane attraction to him.
I had tried my best to forget him, since it seemed like he had forgotten me since that night he came to my rescue at the hotel. Not a word from him since then. Not a text. Nothing.

I so wish I could unsend the series of text messages I had sent to him, none got a reply from him.
I picked my phone from my bedside table and rechecked the stupid messages I had sent.

Date: 18/09/2018. 10:44pm

Hi, Alex. This is Sola. I just wanted to tell you thank you for today. I hope you are back home safe. And I hope your boss did not get angry at you for helping out a stranger. Take care.

I had kept it simple and friendly. Expecting a reply. I had waited till 2:00am before I finally accepted that he must have probably been too busy or tired or just not interested to reply. But I had hope it was not the last.

I had waited two days again before texting him. Out of worry.

Date: 20/09/2018. 1:30pm

Alex. Hi. It's Sola here. The girl you helped out in the restroom. In Eko hotel and suites at VI. I've been worried sick that you might have got into trouble with your boss after she caught you helping a stranger. I'm very sorry I caused you that much trouble. Can we meet sometime? :-)

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