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Hi guys, it's me again! :-D
I just wanna say thank you to all of you that has given my book a chance. (Teary)
The love Is real here mehn.. (sniffs)
I'm so excited to release the next few chapters that are coming! Yup!
I love love love Keke palmer. She just gives that classic model vibes mehn.. I know y'all will love her too...
Don't let me take too much of your time..
Shout out to: ishpep Nophisat Teefabulous Love_Roxy17 Pavillah Toluwanijolaiya thanks alot guys.



I didn't realize how long I'd been sitting there, on the hard woody bench, with my bag gripped tightly in my hands.
My mind felt numb, my head was still swimming from the nausea. I took in deep, fast breaths, but it still felt shallow.
I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to make myself feel better, but everything proved useless and futile.

"Miss ojo?" The nurse called, snapping me out of my wild thoughts. "You can come in now."

I smiled in appreciation as I went into the small pharmacy, giving the previous customer space to walk out of the checkup room.

"Please sit." said the nurse.
I obeyed. I had been having a terrible stomach bug, causing me to vomit almost all the time which was giving me problems at my new work place.

Two months after my separation with.. Alex. I was working as a waitress at a bar located in ijesha. In this two months and few days, my life had changed. And not in a good way.
I felt my eyes start to water as a wave of pity flashed through me. Pity for myself, pity for my regrets, pity for my shattered dreams, pity for my future.
No. I shook my head vehemently. I wouldn't dwell on it any longer. I had to stop this. Stop this! Sola!.

"So... how are you feeling presently, miss ojo?"
I turned to the nurse and smiled at her, warmly.

"I'm feeling quite well ma. And call me Sola." I replied her in a cheerful tone that was completely false.
"Okay. Sola." she answered, smiling back.
"After I checked you up, I realized.. Fatigue must also be the cause of your morning sickness. You work a lot right?"

I visibly relaxed. Fatigue? That was a normal thing. I nodded my head, answering her question.
"Sola, it's not a good idea to stress yourself too much in this condition. I recomm—"

"What.. What condition do you mean nurse?"

"You are nine weeks pregnant, Sola."

I automatically froze, staring at the nurse in disbelief. I felt my body start to tremble violently without control.
No. That could not be true. It was impossible. Yet I knew I had the fear of that in my mind when I'd missed my period for awhile. I was still in denial as I glared at the nurse, shaking my head sharply.

"Preg.. Pregnant? Me?"

The nurse looked at me, confused. She nodded her head, confirming the impossible.
"Yes, Sola. You're pregnant. Two months and some"

I gulped in big bags of air as I felt my throat dry off in desperation. Of all the things to happen to me, this couldn't be it. No. It just couldn't be.

"Nurse.. You.. You have to be mistaken.. Please, tell me it's a mistake!!" I practically screamed, rambling widely on my chair as the nurse stared at me with shocked alarm.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now