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This one is dedicated to: TemilolaInimfonabasi Hoyinda1999 Love_Roxy17 boujeeteen ishpep renee_ab 6lack_6arbie 9ja_green_ink
Thank you so much guys, I appreciate.


*Third pov*

No! No! It couldn't be possible! Clara thought as she glared at the picture on her phone's screen.
She wished it was just her imagination. But it was not. It was real. It was Actual.

Clara stared at the picture of Alex Williams standing confidently beside her long lost friend. Sola. More like enemy, though. Clara thought sardonically.

Over the few years, Clara had successfully lost contact with Sola. Last time she had heard about her, Mr Ben had mentioned that she worked as a waitress and was living in a slump area which had made Clara satisfied.
But now, she was shocked to see sola's appearance.. She looked beautiful and.. Bigger, thicker. Worst was Alex standing beside her and another older man at the other side.

Clara had been going through her Instagram page when she came across the trend, which stated that Alex Williams was yet, taking over another hotel empire.
Clara scowled as she remembered how Alex had rejected her when she tried her utmost best to seduce him. He had told her bluntly, that he wasn't interested in her.

Clara had been hurt, very hurt, that she had walked out on him after hurling all sorts of insults at him and Sola.
If she couldn't have him, no one would have him too. And frankly, she was satisfied with that notion.
"Baby?" A voice whispered from her side. She glanced at him. She frowned inwardly, now that she got a better look at him, she realized that he was not really good looking. Clara groaned and put her forehead on her hands regrettably. She really needed to stop picking up random strangers and having sex with them.

"Why aren't you asleep?" the guy asked, yawning loudly. Clara snorted in distaste as the bad smell of his mouth breezed through her.

"That's not your business. Get out of here first thing tomorrow morning." Clara declared, glaring at the dark, distasteful man.

The man smiled mockingly at her, before he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You idiot!!" Clara exclaimed, pushing at his chest in annoyance.

"I really enjoyed our time together baby, I want us to go another round. This time with you on top baby, I want you to ride me."

"What is wrong with this one? Get out jor! See mumu sha, if I had known that you looked like this, I wouldn't have fucked you!" She said to him, jumping out of the bed and moving towards the window.

She distinctively heard the man laughing mockingly at her. She scowled angrily, blaming her self for always making stupid choices. She recalled how Sola had always tried to protect and  warn her against her lifestyle.

"Clara! You're a young lady for God's sake! Is it until you contact some disease? Is that when you will stop?!"

Clara had laughed at her friend at the time, Sola was always the proper, good girl... Clara thought bitterly.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now