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Hello, friends... I'm back again as promised!
I hope we're all staying safe? Please wash your hands and enjoy my book ;-)

This chapter is dedicated to: @Pretty_July @darling_dimzi @MerceeD @love_richie @Tee-spice @haryinkehade and everyone of you that has given my little book a chance. Thank you. Seriously. I'm so grateful.




    If I'd been told a month ago, that my life would be like this, I would have laughed at the dummy who predicted it. It was all so.. Surreal, it was like a figment of my imagination. Watching my life change completely.

   My life had originally changed completely after I found out that I was expecting a baby. And it had changed even more after I gave birth to my adorable prince. The boy I would give my life for in a second.

  From the day I gave birth to my Afin baby boy, I'd known life would be better for me. I'd known for a fact that, the depression, the pain, the suffering that was meant for me after my life came crashing down would stop. Justin was like a piece of the sun. He came into my life with his innocent heart and heartwarming smiles, he brightened up my life.

I watched him with a shaky smile as he played wholeheartedly with his long lost father. And the man himself seemed like he was having the time of his life. I'd never believed I could see Alex at his softest moment until now. Justin could do that to anybody, he was such a beautiful kid, that you have no reason but to love him. He was like a gift, a gift that had to be treasured at all cost. And that was what I would do my whole life.

  "You know," Amina came up beside me, swinging her arm by my shoulder. "I don't think it's healthy to love a kid so much like that... You know he'll eventually grow up and leave you. He'll get married, travel, start a life. He's not gonna be young forever my dear Sola." she said, smiling warmly at me.

  I blinked erratically to stop the tears that had gathered around my eyes.
"I know Ami, it's just that.... I'm.. I'm so scared that... Alex will snatch him from me!" I finished, feeling the tears eventually rush down my face. Amina must have sensed that I was crying because she turned me around and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Babe.. I'm a hundred percent sure that Alex won't do any such thing. Even if he tries to, I promise you Sola. I'll call my goons at Ijesha, they'll help me waste his life!" Amina said with so much ridiculous seriousness that I had to burst into laughter amidst the tears.

"You're sick in the head Amina! I swear!" I said, and we both busted into laughter.

"But you heard when I told him to leave, he said if I force him to leave, he'll have to take my son along. What kind of man does that??" I asked, facing Amina with my worried face.

"Sola.. The man only said so because he didn't want you to send him out. And he can never separate you from Justin because he's also here for you."

"Here for me how?"

"Sola, the man is clearly in love with you. Let's leave Justin out of this. He wants you."

I glared at Amina, wondering if she was in her right senses. The only person Alex loved was Alex.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now