Chapter SIXTEEN.

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Hi my friends! As promised, I'm here again. :D I really can't say thank you enough. Thanks so much guys. I love y'all.
Wish I could tag you all, but I'd just try tagging different readers/writers to continue to show my appreciation.
Dedicated to: ___stephanyy____ Jkaloko Nophisat SogbaikeModupeola Teemonera IamMoana17 Pacesetter12 _Lehin
Also, shout out to Teefabulous for the new cover for my book. Thanks a lot dear. I really appreciate it. How do you see it guys?(I mean the new cover)




"For such a soft, tiny hand,... I must say you're a really good slapper, sugar" I said, chuckling.
I quickly snapped out of my shock after Sola slapped me hard across my face.

I glared at her. Normally I didn't tolerate such insolent behavior from women, but Sola had always been an exception for everything since she crashed into my life.

"Don't call me that! And the next time you force your lips onto mine again.. I will give you a more harder slap than this!" She was panting loudly, her anger so strongly emitted.

"I don't mind being slapped by a beautiful woman, it adds to the excitement." I quipped, grinning widely at her angrily flushed face. She shook her head as if she could quite believe I was still standing in front of her.

"You're such a distasteful, vile man! Coming to this place and pretending like you've never met me in front of my boss.. Then coming in here to kiss me by force! Is that why you decided to buy this hotel? To come here and spite me??!"

"Don't flatter yourself, the deal was already signed and sealed even before I set my eyes on the info about the place. Although, I won't deny that I was quite surprised to see you poised as an executive staff. Seems you managed to ensnare the poor unsuspecting man.. "

"Not everyone is as heartless as you, YOU PIG!!! Some people have good intentions. I'm just sorry I came across a big jerk like you!"

I frowned at her insults. "what's gotten into you? You were never this rude, Sola."

She set her hands on her hips and raised her pretty little chin high.
"Well, thanks! I'm not the same naive, gentle girl I was 3 years ago. Men like you have made me learn my lesson!"

I felt anger rise up in me like sweet liquid. Men like me??
"You are a cheat and an inexperienced little thief! You cheated on me with some lowlife, and stole from me 3 years ago! So don't fucking act the victim here!!"
I glared at her in anger. I noticed she didn't look surprised or even flinch.

"Cheated on you??" She laughed out loud, looking at the ceiling and shaking her head in a frustrated manner. "I really do not have the time for your mindless conversations right now, so once you're done speculating your nonsense, I suggest you get the hell out."

I opened my mouth In shock at her ridiculously rude tone. I had to accept Sola had grown wings now. She looked so much more matured and confident in her self. Her dark pink suit and short skirt hugged her sweet curves to perfection and she looked every bit as a shrewd business woman. I would have been proud of her, had I not been so furious with her.
Before I could mutter up a good come back reply, she walked out on me, banging the door behind her with a loud thud.

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