Chapter EIGHT.

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Hi guys, thanks for all your wishes for me on my birthday. And thanks for 400 reads!.
Chapter dedicated to: @sogbaikeModupeola @guessitskirti @Omokehinde @Teefabulous @Hoyinda1999


My head was swimming. I didn't know how to react. I stared at the man in front of me.

"Can we take a sit over there and talk?" he asked. Looking expectantly at me.

Before I could form any reply to give him, Clara was in front of me.
"Alex, did you come here to talk to me? Oh my gosh I'm so flattered, let's go take a sit"
But Alex remained where he was, never taking his eyes off me as he replied Clara.

"I came to see Sola. Not you." His voice was firm. Like before. That voice alone could make a grown woman melt.

My Ben came forward looking shocked and flustered at Alex. Every other staffs were also gathered around. Looking like he was some kind of trophy or diamond. It made me very conscious of myself.

"Mr.. Mr Williams. It's an honor to have you dine at our humble restaurant." said Mr Ben, shaking Alex's hand. He smiled politely at Mr Ben. While Clara just stood by his side, fuming at me. I was in for it tonight.

"thank you" Alex replied Mr Ben. Glancing back at me. "But.. I only came here to discuss some.. Matters with Sola. Can you please give the permission to..."

"no, no, of course sir, you don't even need to ask" Mr Ben quickly replied, giggling like a little girl that just got a lollipop from her mom. I frowned at him. "She's all yours."

I glared at Mr Ben. He was talking like I wasn't even there, the annoying man.
Before I knew what happened, I was in the confines of my office, with Alex closing the door with a soft click.

My heart sped up as he slowly turned around. Our eyes locked.
I breathed in deep, I was so aware of this man. This beautiful man, who commanded so much power just by walking into a room. I don't know why I believed he could have been a driver when it was so clear that he looked every bit of a ruthless business mogul.

We stared at each other. The tension in air was magnetic. Drawing us into each other. He affected me so much, it was disturbing. Over the weeks I had tried to kill the chemistry I had felt deep in my body for this man, I thought it worked. But now he was here and I could feel my breath falling short, for him.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, my voice barely above a whisper. I was still offended about the whole ignoring. And even the lies.
I was about to tell him to get out when I was suddenly pulled into his chest by him. I gasped in surprise at his action.

But I didn't get to finish my sentence as I felt his strong lips crash onto mine.

I was too shocked to move at first, my eyes wide open as I realized what had just happened. He just kissed me. Alex was kissing me. I placed my palms on his chest to push him away. But I couldn't. I didn't. I felt his muscles ripple beneath my palms as I spread my hands.

I felt his hands go round my waist, as he pulled me in deeper. Then I felt his right hand move downward and grab my ass hard against him.

I gasped as the sensations slammed into me. It gave him the opportunity to sweep his tongue into my month as the kiss got much more deeper.
He turned me around and my back was against the door as he placed one of his hands on my hip. The second one holding my neck. he held my head upwards so he could deepen the kiss further.

I was so lost into him that I didn't realize the reality of what was happening. I felt his hands squeeze my left breast and I moaned into his mouth helplessly.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now