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Hi my Wattpad friends! (Even though you're mad at me) :O
I'm here again as promised!
I know for sure that you will love this chapter.

I dedicate this to: Tatseeee Rihanna_Adedeji Toluwanijolaiya Teefabulous Uche_M
Shout out to Iyanuoluwa-Temi for the beautiful cover. Thanks dear.

Read and enjoy....... (Vote too oh!)



I'm sorry... She passed away over the night....

My head kept twirling around. It was like I was in a dream state. I was in denial.
It couldn't end this way. No.... She can't be gone.

"Alex.. Calm down.." Kene's distant voice wavered through my ears. I shook my head in denial. I couldn't accept it. I couldn't accept that Sola was.. No! Don't say it!.

"Alex.. Listen to the doctor first..." Amina said on my other hand, her eyes were teary, but she didn't look like someone that had just lost her friend. I shook my head in pity. She probably also didn't believe that Sola was truly dead. She was gone.

"Amina... Sola.. She's..." I whimpered. Unable to finish my sentence. The doctor was still standing there, watching the scene that was unfolding. Kene grabbed my shoulders from behind and pulled me to stare at him in the face. He looked furious.

"Listen to what the doctor has to say FIRST!" Kene yelled in my face.

"What else does he have to say?!" I yelled back at him. The tears were streaming down my face freely now.

"Mr Williams... I wasn't referring to your wife." He said, smiling sadly at me. "I was referring to..." He glanced down at the file in his hand. "Miss Clara Odeh."

I froze. I glared at the doctor as he kept smiling sadly at me. My heart was pounding so loud that I wondered how they were not hearing the harsh, beating sound. So... My sugar isn't.. Dead?

"You mean... Sola is still alive?" I whispered with disbelief.

"Alive and out of danger, Mr Williams." The doctor replied.

I didn't think. I just acted. Grabbing the doctor by his collar, I pulled him towards me in a strangling manner.

"WHY DID YOU MAKE ME THINK IT WAS SOLA?! AM I A JOKE TO YOU!!?" I yelled in his face. I breathed in content as I saw the frail man swallow in fear.

I was about to punch the lights out of him when a hand stopped me. It was Kene. I glared at him vehemently.

"Alex! Let the man go.... He was talking about Clara... You just didn't listen. Calm down, guy." He said to me, pulling my hand down.

"I was trying to tell you, sir.. You.. You didn't let me.." The doctor grumbled, pulling my hands from his shirt. I relaxed and stepped away.

"I.. I'm sorry, doc. So... Sola is.. Alive?" I asked. The tears of relief that burned my eyes were begging so hard to be released.

"Yes. She is, Mr Williams. She was very lucky. She escaped death by a thread. Miraculously, the bullet didn't hit any vital tissue that is connected to her wind pipe. If anything, it was just merely a graze, like a scratch.. And the bullet didn't get in deep at all. It was removed immediately and barely caused any internal injuries. Miss Sola is perfectly fine, No head trauma, no signs of amnesia."

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now