Chapter FIFTEEN.

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Chapter dedicated to: chisom_dili Laitan34 Teefabulous Teemonera Hoyinda1999 mira_anamae Love_Roxy17 I love youuu...

P.S : That's a pic of Mr Jimmy Agoro up there.
I love the facial impression because the man is peaceful and Jovial. Thanks y'all.




I was woken up by the sound of a tiny scream from the adjoining room.. Justin's room!.
I quickly bolted up, turned on my table lamp and ran out of the room in alarm. I opened the door to his much more smaller room and met him sitting up and crying silently. I was wondering what had happened to my little boy. Had he fallen off the bed?

"Baby... What happened? Mummy's here.." I said in the most soothing voice I had. I climbed into his small soft bed and held him in my arms.

"Mummy.. Scary...Dream.." He said while sobbing silently.

I bit my lower lip as I felt a rush of tears at the back of my eyelids. I kissed his little head while cleaning his tears. He leaned closer into me to hug me tightly.

"So my big boy is scared of nightmares? What a shame!" I said in a cheerful, laughing voice. It must have worked because my energetic son raised his head and glared playfully at me. I laughed lightly at his expression.

"I'm not scared mummy! I beat the boy well!" He said in his tiny voice. He looked so fierce and defiant, not wanting to accept that he was still a scared kid. At that moment I realized that he got not just his father's looks, but his strong-willed character as well. He was a very cheerful little boy but if he got offended, you'd just have to beg and bribe him with everything you've got. I smiled warmly at him.

"Who did you beat in your dream?" I asked him curiously. I was surprised at the answer he gave me.

"The boy in my school,  He always make fun of me because I don't have a daddy." He said. His eyes downcast with hidden sadness.

I froze in shock, staring at me son as he inspected his hands in embarrassment. I realized that Justin must have been wishing to know his father. Some few months he had asked me about his father, I had simply replied that he had to travel for a very long time and I didn't know when he would be back. But now it looks like the explanation I gave him had not been convincing.

"I'm so sorry baby, I will come to your school and report such bullying to your proprietor." I replied in a hard voice. I was so angry that my son was being bullied and troubled just because there was no father-figure in his life. I always made sure I did everything Justin needed. I was always present for his sports, parties, awards and PTA meetings. Being a single mother wasn't easy but my little Justin was worth it. I loved him so much and would do anything to keep him happy. Even die for him.

"No! Mummy! Don't repot. Errything is fine." I smiled at his babyish pronunciation, he still stumbled over some hard syllables.

"Do you want to stay in mummy's room tonight? I have plenty space!" I asked him, kissing his smooth cheeks as he giggled and nodded.

"Yes!" He replied.
I picked him up and took few of his toys along with me to my room.
We chattered a bit and even had our usual pillow fight before we finally slept off. I smiled as I felt his small body secured in my arms.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now