Chapter FIVE.

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Hi guys, I hope y'all are enjoying yourselves during this covid pandemic, please stay safe y'all. I love you all.
Thank you so much for your votes and reviews, I've been mad happy!
Special shoutout to: Val_Good guessitskirti and Teefabulous
Thank you for your help and contributions I really really appreciate it. ❤️❤️


The AC in the car was so chilling and refreshing that I had to fight my desire to sleep off.
We were on our way to the big event that was being held in Eko hotel and suites, one of the best hotels in Lagos state, pretty much the whole country itself.

I had been there just once, I was part of the ushering crew for a birthday party, but I'm so excited now that I was going not as a low limited worker, but as one of the management of my restaurant.

I loved my job, because it was like a miracle for me. Last year I finished my ND part time course in the college of yabatech. I did part time because I needed to support myself to survive.

I wish I could finish my HND but I had so many responsibilities, like working all week, and jumping on any available jobs during the weekends. So, I had to put the furthering of my education on a hold.

After my parents had died 9 years ago, Clara's parents had took me in, because of the relationship my mother and Clara's mother had.

My mother cleaned and washed their house on weekends, while she went to market, selling minor food stuffs during the week.
Clara's mom had taken a liking to my mother and so they had become close friends. Bringing me and Clara too as close friends.
I owed them a lot, and I hoped I would be able to repay them back for everything they had done.
Taking me in, even though I had continued my mother's work for them, still I appreciated their kindness towards me and I was determined to make it up to them one day. To become my own boss. To become an independent woman.

"Sola, please look at this pictures for me, which do you think is better to upload on my Instagram page?" Mr Ben said, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Oh okay, lemme see sir" I took his phone and switched through the two pictures he wanted me to pick from. The first one looked better and clearer. He was standing with his wife and two kids in both pictures. They looked so happy.

"The first one is better sir" I replied, returning the device to him.

"Really ehn? The problem is.. My face looks kind of ugly here. But I guess it's better like that"

I laughed lightly at his playful tone. He smiled in response at me too, I liked Mr Ben, he was a very friendly and nice man. And respectful too.

Soon we arrived at the venue, as we went into the hall, I tried not to act shocked at the beautiful surroundings, so many places and it was all owned by someone. Or a group of rich people. Maybe.

Victoria Island was a beautiful place to live, the roads, scenery, electricity, individuals, it was all so enchanting to me. We proceeded inside, after we had offloaded all the boxes of food and stuff and stuff had settled down from the luxurious bus they came in. I'd never been so happy as I was now that Clara had pushed her work on me. This was going to be an interesting day.



Mr Williams! Miss Williams! Please just give us few seconds of your time! How has the business industry been?!

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