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Hello guys! Your girl is back as promised.
Quick reminder: don't read without voting and commenting. Let's balance the equation abeg.
Thanks again for your positive reviews guys. That is what is giving me moral to update more ASAP.

This one is dedicated to: Jedidiahme saphybella ceciloray ishpep2 Symply_lade powertino

Read and enjoy........



   SCORE ONE for state-run hospitals, was all I could think of as we arrived. Kalu kept trying to calm down his heavily pregnant wife as she walked around impatiently.

  We were still standing at the reception, waiting for the nurse to admit our identity and take us to where Alex and his friend, Ekene was. Fayo had also spoken to their mom and dad a few minutes ago...And they'd said they would be there first thing in the morning.
I hadn't been able to calm my nerves at the thought of meeting with Alex's parents for the first time. Fayo noticed too.

"Don't worry, Sola. My parents are unproblematic people. They won't give you issues as long as you don't give them."

"But.. But Fayo... They'll blame me! I'm the cause of all this. If I hadn't stupidly told him to get out..."

"Just calm down, Sola. Mistakes happen. I just hope this mistake doesn't cost my brother his life.." she trailed off, trying to keep her tearful face strong.

  I leaned into her embrace. Fayo had proved to be a great confidant these past few days, she was so kind and optimistic.

"Excuse me sir?" A nurse said to us. "Are you Mr Williams' family members?"

"Yes! Yes." the three of us simultaneously answered immediately.

She smiled a bit at us. "Alright. I'll take you to the ward where he's being kept under strong treatment. You just have to sign here first please, and then we'll arrange the bills for you."

"Thank you so much!" said Fayo, as she went forward to sign on the paper.
Soon we were following the young nurse through the long hallways where different kinds of patients were being carried about.

My body and mind shook with a mixture of fear and excitement at seeing Alex.

After what seemed like hours, we finally got to the ward where Alex was. Two men were at the entrance, sitting on a reception chair. I figured one of them must be Alex's friend. When they saw us, they immediately got up.

"Oh, Fayo. Thank God you're here. They wouldn't vouch for a non-family member to see him" Ekene said, rushing to embrace Fayo in a hug. Then he moved to hug Kalu too in that brotherly way.

I smiled shyly when he turned to me. I couldn't believe how shy and embarrassed I felt as he scrutinized me. It felt like he was trying to figure something about me, it was unsettling.

He was a very handsome man. Though, not as tall and broad shouldered as Alex, he also had that aristocratic look and he looked much more approachable and friendly than Alex. But not right now.

"So, this is the woman that has my man tied up in knots." He said, smiling slightly. If I hadn't been staring at his face, I wouldn't even have known that he smiled.

"Um... Hi, Ekene. I'm... My name is Sola."

"Oh, I know your name very well. How can I not know the name of the girl that successfully caused Alex to almost end his life!" He said in a loud, angry tone. I almost flinched because of how angry he sounded.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now