Chapter ELEVEN.

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I had this overwhelming feeling of complete contentment, of peace and gentle excitement. I knew why. It was because of the perfect human being I shared the previous night with.
I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the room's brightness and glanced at him. He was still deeply asleep.

I stared at his beautiful face. So handsome and peaceful. He looked like a teenager right now, so very peaceful and unbothered.
I was bothered. About what was to happen next after this. would we date each other? Or was it just going to be a fling?
I was scared of what to expect. And I didn't want to be tossed aside like a dirty rag, after giving my all to him in such a short time.

"penny for your thoughts?" I heard him whisper beside me. I turned to him and found him staring at me with dark, sleepy eyes. He was so very beautiful. My breath caught as I stared at him too.

I giggled as I felt him lean in and nuzzle his cheeks on my neck, it felt ticklish.

" Hi" I said to him, shyly.

He didn't reply. I felt my heart start to race as he moved into me with more force, my body was speedily aroused. I felt his arms roam all over my body and moaned lightly.

"I'm not supposed to take you sugar, because if I do you'll be too sore" he said against my lips in a ragged whisper.

"I don't mind being sore, I want you Alex, please." I said, my voice wavering with need.
He answered me and took my body in an extraordinary way. We made love sensually and magically.

In the morning, we didn't stop. We were unable to take our hands off of each other. It happened in the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, the pool and every other places I couldn't think of.
He had pleaded with me to spend the Sunday with him, saying he'll handle Clara if she wanted to cause any problems.

I knew I was still going to face her personally, but I didn't know how I was going to handle it. I couldn't deny the fact that I was a bit scared of Clara's anger. But I couldn't live under her shadow forever, I had to make a decision for myself.
And being with Alex was my decision.

We took a walk around his big estate, talking about every little thing we could. Alex was such a charmer and naturally funny.
When it was night time, we made dinner together while he picked a movie for us to watch. I noticed he switched off his phones and tablets. When I had asked him he had said that he didn't want our precious time to be disturbed.

I felt so happy and giddy. I couldn't continue to deny the fact that what I was feeling for him was more than likeness. I was gradually falling in love with him... And who wouldn't? Alex was such a sweet, playing caring man. I could imagine the amount of women, classy, beautiful women that would be all over his toes right now.

I was still confused as to why he chose to be with me, but I was glad.
The next morning, when I woke up, Alex was already gone, I checked everywhere, his bathroom, the closet, the lounge, but he was no where to be found.
I couldn't stop the feeling of emptiness that rushed into me immediately I realized that he was truly gone. So that's how it felt?

After some moments, I noticed a paper dangling off the table beside the bed, In the room. I went to it and picked it up.

Thanks for such a blissful weekend. I'm sorry I had to leave early, an issue came up that needed my immediate attention. Call me when you reach.

I folded the paper and glanced at the wall clock. 7:30am. It read.
I sprang into action and prepared to leave, all the while thinking about the perfect weekend I spent with Alex.

"I really hope this doesn't end, Alex." I whispered to my self.


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