Chapter TWENTY.

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update, had a problem with Wattpad.
But not to worry, I've sued their engineers. Next time they won't get me pissed!

This one is dedicated to: @Teefabulous @sincerely_Magdalene @saphybella @bookworm4eyes @Love_Roxy17 @IamMoana17

Read and Enjoy.....



"I'm really hurt and disappointed that you would think of hiding this from me Sola. All these times that I've asked, you kept saying Justin's father is out of the picture. Now it turns out that the man I'm selling my company to, is the father?"

I kept my eyes downcast in shame and embarrassment as Mr Jimmy scolded me. The guilt I was feeling was so much that I couldn't bring myself to look at him straight in the eye.

"I'm really sorry, Mr Jimmy. I just... I just wanted to tell you, so you wouldn't find out from another source later and be furious with me." I explained in a sober voice. He'd asked me this morning if there was an affair going on between me and Alex. I'd panicked and confessed everything to him, worried that he would find out one way or another.

He sighed and took my hand from the other side of the table. I raised my head up to look at his tired scrunched face.
"At least, now I know that Justin belongs to someone. I've always been disturbed about him not having a father figure. And... I've even considered marrying you."

I opened my mouth in shock. Now I realized that Oluchi must have been saying the truth. Mr Jimmy was interested in me.

"Oh Sola, please do not be upset." he continued when he noticed that I was very shocked. "I'm just telling you how I feel. I didn't think you'd have a problem with.. Dating me."

"I'm sorry, Mr Jimmy. But the thing is.. I consider you as the father I don't have. I really cherish you but.. I don't think of you that way sir."

"I guess I.. Expected that you wouldn't mind the age difference. But... It's okay dear. We're still friends?" he asked, smiling softly at me. I smiled back.

"Definitely, sir. Thank you for being honest with me."
I said, as I placed my other hand on his in gratitude. We both smiled warmly at each other.

"So he is the man that dumped you and made you work as a lowly waitress, I presume? I think I should confront this Alex. He shouldn't have treated you the way he did. It was completely unacceptable."

"Don't bother yourself sir, at least he will always regret missing over two years of his son's life. Nothing can bring back those precious times." I said, trying to calm him down. He looked really angry. I couldn't shake off that feeling of guilt that because of me, he would be rethinking selling his company to Alex.

"I really wish I could cancel the deal with Williams, but... It's already signed and sealed my dear, I have even received payment and have started spending on the money." Mr Jimmy explained with regret and shame in his eyes.

"it's completely fine sir. I'm glad it's that way. I... I'll really miss you, Mr Jimmy. Thank you for being there for me. I really don't know what would have become of me if I hadn't come across you." I said, my eyes getting moist at the tender feeling that was swimming through me.

"I'm pretty sure you would have made it fine, you're a shinning star, Sola. Sooner or later, you were always going to shine. I'm just glad that I was lucky to meet you in the process. I don't regret meeting you for one minute. You've been the best employee I've ever had, and frankly, I don't think there will be anyone better than you after you leave." He was saying that because he knew I was closer to my goal of owning a clothing and cosmetics company, and when that happened, I would have to stop working here.

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