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          Three months later...

"Sola! Sola! Stand still! You'll ruin your million-dollar dress!" Amina snapped at me, She was glaring at me with a menacing gleam.

    "Look, I'm sorry! I'm just so...so Nervous. I can't stop shaking!" I mumbled, staring at my reflection in the mirror frantically. My eyes stayed on my middle section. I was staring at my almost-visible baby bump. Thanks to the stylist Alex had flown into the country from London, the big white wedding dress was fitted perfectly to my body, yet it managed to successfully conceal my rising bump. Five months.

"Ami, Don't you think... I'm getting married too early? I mean.. I know I'm pregnant already.. But.."

"Are you on drugs?" She asked with a dead panned expression. I bit my lower lip nervously and shook my head.

"So which one is.. You're getting married too early?.. Is there a specific time for people to get married ni?"


"Babe.. Calm down. You're just nervous. To be honest, if I were in your shoes, I might have to escape through the Window. I mean... There's almost a thousand guests at the church!.. And it's not even reception yet oh!" Amina explained, waving her arms out with exasperation.

My eyes widened immediately I heard her statement.
Thousand?! Where did Alex get these people from?!

"Babe, calm down jor!" Amina snapped as she noticed my nervous expression.

"How can I calm down?! What if I do something wrong? What if I fall? Or.. Or.."

"Nothing will go wrong. And if you fall... which is absolutely impossible... I'm sure your superman will be there to catch you. Yunno.. Like those Indian movie actors." Amina replied. I giggled at her description of the way Alex would catch me before I fall.

"Those Indian actors will have to learn from me If you mistakenly fall. I'm the best catcher." A deep, familiar voice chuckled from the doorway, making me and Amina shriek in shock. "Damn.. You look like an angel, sugar. So.. So beautiful."

"Alex! What are you doing here? You shouldn't see your bride before the wedding day! It's considered bad luck!" I whispered in alarm. My eyes wandering around the room to see if anyone saw him coming in.

"Who cares about that? If I wish to see my bride-to-be, then I will. No one can stop me." He grumbled with a scowl.

"Sometimes.. I really can't believe how arrogant you are. You need someone bigger than you to put you in your place." I said with a frustrated sigh.

He grinned and began walking slowly towards me. "I would definitely like to put you in my own place...here." He pointed his finger downward. I didn't understand what he meant until after Amina broke into series of giggles, covering her mouth shyly.

I felt my face heat up at his suggestion. I'm getting married to a pervert!

"You can continue to dream on about that. Don't even try to touch me." I stated, glaring playfully at him.

"I'm really not ready to witness your catfights. Both of you." Amina turned to Alex with a glare. "The ceremony begins in 10 or 8 minutes! You're meant to be out there waiting for her!"

"Not leaving until I get a kiss from my wifey!." Alex whined like a child. Amina was attempting to push his large frame out of the room while he kept pushing her so he could come to me.

"You're kissing me in like.. the next 20 minutes!" I said incredulously.

"I know. But I want a kiss now. Pleaseeeeeeeee. Can't you see I'm dying here, sugar? Just one kiss!" He begged. I rolled my eyes at his fake begging expression.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now