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Happy Sunday my people! So I just had to do this double update for my excited readers. I love y'all so so much. Thank you.
This one is dedicated to: Allllllll Offffff Youuuuuu! Every single one that comes across this chapter, it is dedicated to you.
God bless you :*

Read and enjoy.......



I bit my lower lip in mortification as Mrs Williams gasped with shock and turned to stare at me, sizzling me up and down. Alex had just insensitively told them about Justin.

"Did you say... Son?" Mrs Williams asked, staring back at her son with disbelief.

"Yes, mom. Three years ago, Sola gave birth to a boy named Justin. And I'm his father." Alex explained unapologetically.

Mr Williams came to stand beside his wife and placed his arms around her stiff shoulders.
"Now, calm down Elizabeth. Don't forget about your high blood pressure." he said in a soothing voice.

"How can I calm down?! Our son has a son and we don't even know. We have a grandson, AJ!" Mrs Williams said to her husband. She looked like she might explode. If not for Alex that was still holding me so tightly, I would have jumped out of the room through the nearby window.

"Well.. He told me this two days ago, but he made me keep it from you because he didn't want you to be too shocked." Mr Williams said to his wife. He kissed her forehead in a bid to calm her down.

"Well, I'm too shocked right now AJ! And you.." she turned to Fayo, who feigned an innocent look at her mother. "You knew it too and you hid it from me?? What happened to mother-daughter relationship?!" she bellowed, then proceeded to take a seat. Mr Williams helped her down to the chair that was on the other side of the bed. So now, I was facing her from the opposite side of the hospital bed. She glared at me vehemently.

"You're the one that broke my son's heart that time. He left us all here and went abroad. I tried to find you because I was too worried for my son. But now... You're back into his life. With his son!"

"Mom, please shut up. I was the one who broke her heart then. I nearly ruined her, but after all this while she still decided to give me a chance. She's the love of my life, mom." Alex said, gazing in wonder at me. As if he couldn't believe that I was truly here.

"I.. I just hope this is what it seems like." Mrs Williams said, leaning in to stroke her son's face. "Because if not..."

"It is, Mrs Williams." I replied her. Everyone's heads instantly turned to my direction at the way I boldly replied her. Even Alex looked shocked that I could manage to speak out.

"I'm.. Sorry for how things went down the drain three years ago. It shouldn't have happened and I know we've wasted enough time, but.. We are here now. I and your son, ma. I love your son very much." I finished, raising my chin high in determination.

I briefly glanced at Fayo, who gave me a wink and grinned. Ekene was smiling at me with pride in his eyes, and so was Alex.

"A confident woman. I stan!" Mr Williams broke the silence. "At least she will keep you on your toes Alex. That's what I love to see." we all bursted into laughter at his cheerful tone.

Over the next few days, Alex was healing pretty well, the bandages were being replaced and his blood flow had returned to normal and in a few hours, he would be set for discharge.

"I can't wait to be alone with you, sugar." Alex said, smirking mischievously at me. I glared at him as I felt my face flush embarrassingly in front of him.

Beyond Her DREAMS🌟 {A Nigerian Romance} ✅Where stories live. Discover now