Chapter 11

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Jaden August

In the morning I woke up in Jalen's bed and I instantly remembered what had happened last night. I got kicked out of my house. Hopefully my mom talks to my dad because I don't wanna be a burden for Jalen and his mom.

"Good morning my love" Jalen said as he kissed my cheek

"Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" I asked him as I stretched

"Pretty good because I was sleeping with you" He said as went into the bathroom

All I did was smile. He's so cute

"Hurry and get dressed. Just throw something on, you look bomb in everything you wear." He yelled

"Find me something to wear" I yelled as I cuddled with his cover again

"Come on love, get dressed. I'll get you something" He said as he went through my clothes

"Just wear this" He said throwing black leggings, a white crop top

"This is basic baby" I said getting up finding some shoes

"Well you pick what you want" He said getting mad

"Babe stop. I didn't mean it like that" I said going up to him

"What happened?" I asked as I put my arms around his waist

"Nothing, its just coach is making us have a 3-hour practice today and then an hour and a half on the track" he said kissing my forehead

"Awe, I'm sorry. Ill wear what you got me" I said with a smile

"Babe if you wanna change it go ahead its not gonna hurt my feelings" he said laughing

"No, it's okay, I'll go basic. But can we match? I wanna take pictures with you" I said getting my black and white vans

"Yeah babes" he said changing his shirt and putting on a white t-shirt 

I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face. I just left my hair in a messy cute bun and I did my baby hairs.

"Does this look okay, or should I at least try with my hair" I asked Jalen

"No babe you look gorgeous" he said with a smile

"Awe thanks bubba. Okay let's go" I said as I got my backpack

"Hey babe, where's your mom?" I asked as we got down the stairs

"Oh, she works early. She gets home like at 3 or 4, it all depends." He said as he grabbed his jacket

We got in the car and he started playing his songs.

"Your music is wack. All they talk about is fucking bitches and getting money" I said as I laughed

"Okay and yours talk about a nigga hurting a female or breaking their heart. You be trying to get in your feelings all the time." He said as he grabbed my hand and put it on my lap

"Yeah whatever J. You're just mad because I have better music taste" I said with an attitude

"Yeah okay" He said with a smile

"Can we just get something simple? Oh, Jack in the Box please" I semi yelled

"Sure, babe whatever you want" he laughed

We got to Jack in like 10 minutes and I got the jumbo platter or whatever you call them

"Baby let me get some of your bacon" he winked at me

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