Chapter 24

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Jalen Green

"no, not my baby"

"You cant just take her"

I woke up to Jaden moving a lot and whispering. Not even gonna lie it scared me

"Move!" she yelled, and she sat up fast

"Baby?" I said as I rubbed her back

She was sweating

"fuck" she said as she flinched

"I forgot you were here" she said she as she wiped some sweat from her forehead

"What was that dream about?" I asked her as I sat up with her

"Our baby" she whispers

"How long has this been happening?" I asked

"Probably like 2 months ago" she said looking at me

"Why did you never tell me? I know we weren't really good, but you should have told me babe" I said as I pulled her into a hug

She just shook her head

"Why not?" I asked

"because I didn't want you to think I was trying to say and do anything to get back with you. I just dealt with it on my own" she said

"I'm sorry baby" I said kissing her forehead

"You wanna tell me what it was about?" I whispered

"I had a miscarriage. They said I couldnt have babies. I couldn't hold one" she whispered as she put her head in her hands

"What if I cant have kids Jalen? What if it was bound to happen that I was gonna have a miscarriage" she whispered in the same position

"Baby if that's the case, we're gonna find every possible way to have kids." I said as I rubbed her back

"You wont leave me?" she said looking at me

"Why because you cant have kids?" I asked her

She just nodded

"Well I mean, I want kids" I said as I smiled at her

She cracked a smile

"No baby, I wanna be with you. We can adopt or something. I want my life with you. Kids or no kids" I said as I kissed her

"You promise" she said holding her pinky out

"Yes, I promise" I said as we intertwined pinkies

"I love you" she said as she hugged me

"I love you so much baby. We're in this together." I said

"What time is it" she asked

"3:45" I said

"You tired?" she asked

"Mmh not really. Are you?" I said

"No" she gave me a smirk

"Babe I'm not giving you nothing. We can watch a movie though" I laughed

"What if I give you something?" she smiled

"Yeah? What would that be" I asked

"You wanna find out?" she said as she came to me

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