Chapter 22

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Jaden August

"Hey, I bought you subway too." I said handing him his sub and his drink

"Thank you" he smiled at me

I just nodded

"You wanna talk after I eat?" he said

"Yeah that's fine" I said as I admired him

"You balled out" he said as he took a bite

"Yeah thank you. I don't know what came over me. My shots weren't going in the first game I played." I said

"I'm your good luck charm" he said as he was chewing

"Don't chew with your mouth open J" I said laughing

"You like it stop" he said as he swallowed his food

"I got you a footlong so you and Josh could share cause I thought he was gonna be right here" I laughed

"Nah he actually took this conversation serious, so he told me he was gonna catch me when we got done talking" he said as he took another bite

"Well look at him maturing" I laughed

"Something like that" he said

"Can you actually eat after we talk. I have like 15 minutes to talk" I said

"Oh yeah, that's fine. Ima take another bite though. You remembered what I like on it?" he said as he took a bite

"Duh I was with you every single morning and every single night" I said laughing

Then he just looked at me and smiled

"I missed you" I whispered

"I missed you too" he said looking at me

"Let's try again please. I never stopped thinking about you. When you left my house that day, I wanted you to turn around and tell me that you were playing." He said looking at me

"I wanted too... I felt like we needed time. We needed time to see what we wanted. To see what we had to do. I know what I want." I said looking down

"We have all the time in the world" he whispered as he cupped my face

"I want you to be mine. I wanna make you my wife, I wanna make you a mom" he said as his voice cracked

"I'm so sorry" I whispered as a tear came down

"I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry" he said as he wiped the tear

"No, you're fine. I'm just sensitive about it still" I said

"You know I don't blame you right" he said

"How can you not?" I whispered

"Baby you were on the floor in a bathroom with two girls beating you up. Kicking you mostly and they knew you were pregnant. You say you could have protected the baby. But love, you did all that you could do. I never blamed you for it. I was just hurt." He said

"I was too" I said looking at him

"I'm not saying you weren't love, I'm just saying that's why I reacted like that. I didn't know how to feel. I was being strong for you, but it's hard when all I wanted to do was break down and cry so you could hold me." He whispered the last part

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