Chapter 31

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Jaden August

Jalen got done with their first game and it was a blowout.

"Have you seen the next time they play?" I said asking Cam

"They play at 1" she said

I just nodded my head

I saw Jalen coming towards me

"Good game babes" I said as I hugged him

"Thank you, I'm sweaty babes" he said as he hugged me back

"I know" I said as I kissed his neck

"Ohh you taste like salt" I laughed

"Shut up" he smiled

"You just gonna chill here" he asked

"Yeah" I said as I sat back down

He laid on the bleacher and he put his head on my lap

"Baby you're too long to be laying down" I laughed

"I don't care, I'm tired" he said with his eyes closed

"Did you eat that fruit?" I said

"Actually, I ate a little bit and then Jordan and Josh ate the rest" he said looking at me

"Babe I don't care if you share or whatever, but I got that for you cause I know you didn't eat." I said getting kinda upset

"Why are you getting mad" he said sitting up

"I'm not. Come on we're gonna get you something to eat really quick." I said getting up

"Stop" he said pulling me back down

"Babe I appreciate this little mom instinct you got going on, but I'm okay. I'm not hungry and I'm not trying to eat too much" he said looking at me while holding my hand

"Okay, can you at least go eat some trail mix or those nut things they have at the snack bar" I said

He nodded

I got up and I got him some trail mix and I gave him some.

"Thank you for caring about me and my health. Not just because everybody knows me" he whispered to me as he kissed my temple

I closed my eyes as he kissed me

"Baby you know who RJ is" he asked

"Is that a trick question?" I smiled

"No, its just because we play his team next and he's kinda well known" he said as he ate more of the trail mix

"I've seen his highlights" I said to him

"So, were you stalking him the same way you were stalking me?" he asked with this look on his face

"No" I laughed

"Why are you laughing for" he said with a straight face

"Cause its funny. But no babe I didn't" I said kissing his cheek

"You're the only one I want" I smiled

"Good better be. I better not see you cheering for this nigga either" he said mean mugging me and then turning it into a smile

"Whatever" I laughed

"What's up with Cam and Josh though?" I said

"Every time I would kinda bring you up she would kinda have an attitude" I said

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