Chapter 34

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Jalen Green

It's been about a month since the whole thing between RJ and Jaden happened. We're good, we act like nothing happened but I do see her still trying to get my trust back. That's gonna be my baby forever though 🤞🏽.
Jaden decided to go to Prolific Prep with me. Surprisingly she said yeah. I thought it was gonna be an easy no. She wants to play high school ball and see if she can get some scholarships her last year. I would be sad if I got some and she didn't.

"Baby, you ready for tomorrow?" Jaden asked getting in bed with me
"Yeah a little nervous you know, new school new people" I said cuddling into her
"Everyone knows you J. You act like it's hard for you to make new friends" she laughed
"Okay but still, you never know which ones are on your team or if they're praying that you fall" I said looking at her
"Yeah I guess huh. I mean you'll have Jordan there. You know that's your little mini you" she laughed
"My nigga does go there huh" I laughed
"Yeah he does. You'll be fine baby and you got me" she said she she put her leg over my waist
"I always got you" I said she I rubbed her thigh

Next Day
I got up and I just put some some red and black joggers my bred 1 and a black shirt. Nothing too much the first day of school. Jaden was still asleep and she be getting ready hella fast so I'll let my baby sleep. I went to the bathroom did my hygiene then I went to wake Jaden up.
"Baby? Come on wake up" I whispered while I kinda shook her
"Huh" she mumbled
"You gotta get ready. We're gonna leave in 30 minutes" I said
"Okay bubba" she said he turned so she was laying flat in her back
Mmmh my baby's so cute !
I got in top of her and I was kissing her neck
"Baby mooovveee" she smiled
"I just wanna love you" I said I to her neck
"Love me after school" she said as she moved so she can kiss my cheek
"I can't kiss the lips or what?" I asked
"Let me brush my teeth first stupid" she laughed as she got from under me
"Fine" I said as I got up a little
She went and brushed her teeth, did her stuff up in there. Then she came and gave me a kiss
"Thank you baby" I said after she kissed me
"I don't know what to wear" she said as she went to our closet
"I think you should wear, that olive tank top that I like. You know the one that shows some of your stomach. With those light ripped jeans, and then those vans" I said pointing at her navy blue vans
"'Mmhh I fw it. But why I gotta go to school looking basic and you don't have to" she said laughing
"Baby ! It was just an option. Put whatever you want on, I know you're mine" I said looking at the ceiling with a smile on my face
"I know what ima wear" she said
I looked back up and she was getting some black ripped jeans, this white shirt that had red and black in it and she put in her bred 1s
"Ahhh look at you copying your nigga" I smiled looking at her
"Mmhhh you looking a little tooo thick in them jeans. You might not be able to wear those" I said as I got up and I put my arms around her waist
"Let's go take pictures" she said she kissed me
"Bet" I said she I kissed her neck
We went to the bathroom and we took some pictures in the mirror. Then we went out side and she set her phone up so we could use the timer to take our picture.
"No J, put it in the middle of that so we can see the shoes" I laughed cause she was struggling
"Naahhh nigga you do it, I'm getting mad" she said smiling walking towards me
I went and I did it easily and when I turned around she was mean mugging me.
"It's okay baby, I put 10 seconds" I said
"That's too long" she laughed
"It's okay" we looked at he phone and it took pictures
After we took a few we debated on which ones were cute and which ones weren't. Definitely gonna post these later.
"Ready?" I asked her
She just nodded and smiled
We drove to the school and I was already nervous. I'm just here to play basketball. I already got my girl so all these other girls, IRRELEVANT.
"Come on" I said as I smiled at her
"Let's goooo" she yelled in the car
We got out and she instantly grabbed for my hand.
Let me know who's yours baby. We got to the office to get our schedule and you already know how that turned out.
"Baby ima call Jordan hold up" I said as I let her hand go
Me: Where you at ?
Jordan: By the library, you here ?
Me: Yeah and I have no clue where I'm going
Jordan: alright ima come, you by the office still?
Me: Nah by the cafeteria
Jordan: bet count to 20 doggie
After I got off the phone I just laughed, this niggas dumb.
"He's coming babe" Jaden asked
I just nodded and hugged her
"I love you and we're gonna have a bomb senior year okay" I smiled and kissed her forehead
"I love you more and I know we're gonna have a bomb senior year" she smiled and kissed me
"You nasty, y'all will get in trouble for kissing. Don't do it too often" Jordan said making a disgusting face
"Nigga how you know" I asked him smiling
"Man JG4, you don't know what I be on over here" he said and wink
"Omg" Jaden laughed
"Nasty" I said
"Anywho, lets get you kids to class" Jordan said taking my schedule

After Jordan showed us our classes we went to the basketball courts.
"Omg it's Jalen Green" someone whispered
"Gentlemen, I know you've heard that my man Jalen Green is coming to this school." Jordan said making a big entrance for no reason
"Nigga shut up" Nimari said
"What's up man" I said as I shook him up
"How come you didn't play this summer" I asked him
"I twisted my ankle. I was out for 2 months" he said
"Man, you straight now? You can play" I asked
"Yup" he smiled
"That's good." I said
"I'm Jack, and if you don't keep your girl, I bet you I can take her from you" this white boy coming up to me
"He means absolutely no harm" Jordan said
"He swears he can pull so he just be talking out of his ass" Nimari said
"You can't do that to someone who doesn't know you. Pipe down Jack" Jordan laughed
I just laughed I can already tell these niggas gonna make my year fun.
"This is my girl Jaden" I said as I brought her in front of me.
She just waved.
"Ah she shy" Jordan said
"No I ain't, you know that. Don't start" she laughed
"Ohhh she talks" Jack said
"I'm leaving" she smiled
"Bye baby, text me" she kissed me and walked away
"She's bad" jack said
"Man you're not black" Jordan laughed and shook his head
"You wanna play with us?" Nimari said
"I'm with it" I said

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