Chapter 30

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Jalen Green

"Aye J, come on" our trainer woke me up

"Nah already?" I groaned

"JG4 get up" he said again

I opened my eyes, stretched, then got up.

I put on my jersey and shorts. Then I put my sweats and my hoodie over it with my shadow 1s.

"Hey, we're gonna get breakfast they have at this hotel if you wanna come." Josh said coming out the bathroom

"Alright, I'm almost done" I said as I went in the bathroom

I brushed my teeth wet my hair and put some stuff in it. I grabbed some little snacks my baby got for me and I put it in my backpack.

"Let me get some" Josh said as he held out his hand

"Nigga get on" I laughed as I walked to the door

"20 minutes and we're leaving" our coach said as he came out of his room

I went down where they were eating, and I sat next to Jordan.

"I can't sit by you" Jordan said getting up

"If you don't sit your light skin ass down" I laughed

"Ahh what you getting?" he asked me

"I'm not hungry, I just wanted to see what yall were doing" I said as I looked at the menu

"I think ima get this pepperoni pizza" he said

"you gonna eat pizza at 9 in the morning" I laughed

"Nah I can't, you're right" he said as he looked through the menu

"Is there anything I can get you?" the waiter came to us

"Can I just get some orange juice" I asked

"Yeah and for you" she said

"Can I get 2 pancakes and bacon" Jordan said

Then she went down the line with the rest of the guys

I decided to text Jaden

"Good morning my love, let me know when you get up. I might not text back cause I have a 2 games today, but I'll try for you"

"You all in love huh" Jordan said looking at my phone

"Get out my phone" I said smiling

"But yeah that's my baby" I said looking at my lock screen of me and her.

"Put me on, I want one" he said

"You're on your own homeboy" I said laughing

I got my orange juice and I was drinking that while everyone else was eating.

"Let's go" coach said as he came to our table

"Wait" Jordan said as he stuffed so much food down his throat

"You're nasty" I said as I was recording him

"Shut up" he said with his mouth open.

I shook my head and followed coach

"Can you help me with this?" he said as he got 4 pack of ice

"Yeah" I got 2 bags of ice and het got the other two and we took them to the van

"Just put them right there. We're around the corner from the gym" he said as he just threw them in the back

Everyone loaded in the car and I was playing music. I started dancing in my seat and next thing I knew these niggas was hyping me up and recording me.

"You swear you can dance" Jordan said rolling his eyes and smiling

"You wanna be me" I said as I continued to dance

Jaden cant be asleep for 12 hours. Plus, she's usually up at 7.

As soon as I was about to text her again it said that she just read my message.

"Good morning my baby. It's okay I understand. Ball out today babies, I love you"

Right, that's what I thought. I know my baby.

"Yall are shooting during halftime" our coach said pointing at the clock

I put my shoes on and grabbed a ball.

Jaden August

"You think he's catching on?" Cam said as we were getting in the car

"I don't know. I think he might think somethings up, but I don't think he has a clue that we're coming" I said as I started the car

"At least Jalen texts you in the morning. I always text Josh first in the morning" she said as she was texting

"We gotta go get food for Jalen really quick. I know he didn't eat." I said as I pulled into circle K

"What you gonna get him here?" she said as she got out the car

"This little fruit bowl" I said as I went to go get it

I got that, 2 of his favorite Gatorades, and I got myself a drink.

"I ain't getting that nigga shit" Cam said as she just got herself a drink

"Wow" I said laughing

I paid for it and we made our way to the game

It cost $20 just for one person. That's crazy. Its for my love so its okay. We found them sitting in a little huddle. There was 5 minutes until their game started.

"Ima go give this to Jalen." I told Cam

I walked over by them and someone pointed at me to Jalen. He looked and his smile was so bright. It was honestly the cutest thing ever.

"Hiii my love. What are you doing here?" he said excitingly

"We'll talk about that later babes." I said hugging him

"Awe I love you" he whispered

"I love you more. Here" I said giving him his Gatorade

"Thank you" he said taking them

"Did you eat this morning. Don't lie cause I can tell by the way you play" I said looking at him

He shook his head

"Here, eat some fruit" I said giving him is fruit bowl

"Baby I cant eat this right now" he said taking it

"Eat it J. I cant have you collapsing on me" I said

He took it and he ate some

"JG come on" his coach said

"I have to go babes, but thank you for this and thank you for coming" he said while he had a grape in his mouth

"You're welcome baby" I said kissing him

I went back to Cam. She already had a bunch of snacks next to her

"So, you just gonna eat those and not give Josh anything?" I laughed

"That nigga can buy his own stuff. He don't be letting me buy him anything and he don't be buying me anything" she said with an attitude.

I wonder what happened with them.

My baby got on the court as they were warming up. Man, this is the sexiest man alive and he's my boyfriend.

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