Chapter 32

491 17 4

Jalen Green

I walked out my hotel room and I walked to her room. As I was walking over there, I saw Cam leaving the room. Oh, so she making her friend leave. That's what I'm talking about. I got to her room and she was under the covers.

"Baby" I said walking towards her

"Hi, my baby" she said getting up

"Let me see you" I said as I took the covers off of her

She had a bra and her underwear on.

"Mmh baby you look good" I said looking at her.

"Thank you" she said straddling me

I picked her up and I laid her on her back. I instantly started kissing down her stomach reaching her panties.

"You wash yo pussy today?" I said making a joke

"Nigga you're dumb, I did" she said laughing

"Hey, I'm just making sure" I smiled as I pulled her underwear off and I dove right in.

"Jaden you better quit trying to make me stop." I said looking at her.

She just nodded and took a deep breath

"Baby" she moaned

After a good minute I started kissing up her stomach and I attacked her neck with some love bites.

"Stop babe, don't leave nothing" she said laughing

"How come?" I said looking at her

"Cause babe, it doesn't look good. Do it in places people cant see." She said

"Nah I want people to see so they know you're mine" I said

"Babe" she said

"What J?" I said as I got off of her

"Why are you mad." She said

"Where's your phone?" I said

"Why do you want my phone?" she said

"Let me see your phone" I said with my hand out

She got up and she opened it and was scrolling on her phone.

"What you doing?" I said getting up to go towards it

"Jalen quit" she said as she locked her phone.

"Why you deleting shit?" I said high key loud

"Who are you talking to like that?" she said

"Jaden what did you delete?" I said as I grabbed her phone

She just stood there and started biting her nails.

"Why you so nervous?" I said looking at her

She just shrugged her shoulders

"You hiding something?" I asked her

She shook her head

"Unlock your phone" I said as I gave her phone back

She unlocked it and she gave it back to me

I went to her messages and there was nothing there. Then I went to her pictures to see if there were any screen shots and went to her recently deleted. Nothing. The fuck she acting dumb then. I went to her snapchat and I seen RJ added her as a friend, but she didn't except it. Okay. Last I went to Instagram. Hella niggas was texting her but she wasn't responding to any.

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