Chapter 44

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Jaden August

"You ready?" I asked Jalen

"Yeah" he said as he got his keys

We were gonna go to my doctors appointment to see how the baby was doing.

"When do we find the gender? I want a boy so he can play basketball but then again i want a girl so i can baby her" he said as he started driving

"I think its 4 months but I mean if we have a girl she can play basketball and you can baby her" i said laughing

"No i want her to do like soccer, cheer, or something like that. Not basketball" he said

"You're weird, we know absolutely nothing about cheer or soccer. But yet you're the number 1 of class 2020 and well me, im somewhat decent. Why wont our kids play basketball?" i said looking at him like he was crazy

"Yeah you're right huh" he said laughing

"Either way, im excited for what we get" i said smiling as i rubbed my stomach

"Yeah me too" he said with a smile

We got to the appointment and got checked into our room.

"Hey Jaden, i see you finally told him" my doctor said looking at Jalen

"Yeah i had to, i didnt want to come to another one without him" i said laughing

"Well today you turn 3 months correct?" she said

"Yeah" i said smiling

"Okay, lay down for me. Can you turn off those lights" she asked Jalen

"Oh yeah" he said as he got up quick

"So this right here are their lips, chin, this right here is its head. Can you tell??" she said looking at us

I just nodded

"No I cant actually" Jalen said looking at the screen weird

"Babe" i said laughing

"They got a big ass head, taking it from their momma" he said laughing while pointing at me

"Wow" i said laughing

"You guys are healthy. Have you been sleeping on your stomach?" she asked me

i just nodded

"Try not to, cause right here you can tell the baby is closer towards your stomach and not towards your back. You're not hurting them, but its better to get out of the habit early" she said

I just nodded

"Is there anything else you needed?" she said taking off her gloves and turning the lights back on

"Can i have a copy of those?" Jalen asked her

"Yeah, i can print you some" she said smiling

"You're excited huh" she said laughing

"Yeah i am actually" he said as he smiled at me

"Well thats good, shes gonna need a lot of support from here and out. Especially after the pregnancy." she said looking at him

"Let him know, that means dont stress me out!" i said laughing

"Yeah whatever" he said laughing

"Well if there isnt anything else, you guys are ready to go" she said

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