Chapter 37

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Jaden August

I woke up in the morning before Jalen so I can see if he was doing okay. He was still laying on me. He didn't wake up once throughout the night. My baby better be okay..
I tried to get up from under him and he just gripped on me tighter.
"Don't go nowhere baby. I wanna lay on you" he whispered
"I was gonna make you breakfast. You feeling okay?" I asked him as I rubbed his back with one hand and played in his hair with my other hand
"Yeah baby, just let me lay on you" he said while he made himself comfortable
"You have practice today don't you?"  I asked him
"Man" he groaned
"Don't go baby. I'm not gonna let you go" I said
"I have to go babes. But it's at 2" he said looking at me
"How do you really feel? Tell me" I said looking at him
"My head still hurts, my body feels weak, I- shit" he said while getting up running to his bathroom
"Baby!" I said running after him
He was just throwing up. He didn't have anything in his system so he was throwing up liquid to the point where he was just gagging.. sorry if that's too much information.
"Ima get you water" I said as I got up from rubbing his back
I went down stairs and got him a water bottle and a body armor drink. He literally is stacked with these.
"Hey babies" Jalens mom said coming from the living
"Good morning" I smiled
"Everything okay?" She asked
"Yeah I was just getting me and Jalen a drink" I said going back up stairs
"Okay" she smiled as she went into the fridge
I ran up the stairs so fast.
"Here baby drink this. All of it please" I said giving him the water bottle.
He started drinking some and then he started throwing up again.
"Can I please take you to the hospital" I asked him
He just shook his head. "Im okay babes"
"No you're not Jalen" I said getting frustrated
I walked out the bathroom just so I could breathe.. he makes sure I'm straight. If this was the other way around he wouldn't let me stay here. I'm bout to threaten this nigga.
"J if we don't go to the hospital I'm telling your mom. I normally wouldn't but this is serious.. I just wanna make sure you're good" I said looking at him.
"Fine" he said as he got up.
I threw on some vans, a hoodie, and some sweats.
Jalen just put on a shirt with his slides.
"Come on baby" I said to him
We got to the car and I drove.
I was rubbing his thigh just to comfort him that I was here. I'm probably making this a big deal, but at this point I don't care. I wanna make sure my baby's okay.
We checked in and they got him a room.
"So what's the problem here" the doctor came in
Jalen started explaining that he was drinking and the little symptoms he was having last night.
"Okay, we're gonna do a couple of tests, take your blood, see what's going on" the doctor said looking at us
I just nodded as I held Jalens hand. He probably thinks he's such a weak person right now.
As soon as the doctor left I let him know.
"Baby, look at me" I said
"Huh" he said
"This doesn't make you anyways stronger. I just wanna make sure you're good. I care about your health more than your pride. I love you, I just care about you too much" I said
"I know baby. Thank you" he said as he kissed my hand
A couple minutes later the doctor and his assistant came in with this IV type of thing.
"We're gonna take your blood." He said coming over to Jalen.
They then started taking little tests and what not.
"I'll be right back" he said
"All these tests are showing you're usually healthy. Maybe it was something you ate" the assistant said
A good 15 minutes later the doctor came back in.
"So Mr.Green we found something in your system." The doctor said
"Which is" I asked
"We're honestly not sure. You said you went to a party right?" He asked Jalen
Jalen just nodded
"Was there anyone that you met. Got distracted ?" He asked
"I mean I knew the people I talked to" he said
"Anybody there that would try to get back at you? I know that you're well known. My son watches your highlights. Is there anyone there who wouldn't want you to succeed?" He asked
"Your son definitely know what's going on" Jalen smiled and laughed
"Babe" I whispered
"Oh um I mean I talked to this one girl, she was stumbling and she fell into me. We had a quick conversation. No more than 5 minutes" Jalen said and I just looked at him
He didn't tell me nothing like this.
"Well someone might have put something in your drink " the doctor looked at us
"Man..." I whispered..
"What do I have to do to get it out?" Jalen asked scared
"Honestly, ima gonna prescribe you to these pills, they're gonna make you urinate a lot. Just so you can flush it out. Drink a lot of water too. But that's all. Overall you're gonna be fine" the doctor said as he was writing down something
"Thank you so much" I said
"Thank you" Jalen said shaking his hand
We left and drove to go pick up his pills.
"Ima just go inside babe" he said as he got out.
I just nodded.
Should I be mad ? I mean he was talking to a female.
Nah I ain't like that. He can talk to people.
I waited for him to get back in the car.
"Ready? You text your coach that you can go to practice?" I asked him as we started driving back to his house
"Yes babe" he said
"I don't know who you have an attitude with, but you better change that shit" I said
"I'm chillin" he said adjusting his seat
"Right" I said
We got back to his house and we just went into the room.
"Come here babe" he said
"What" I said as I just sat on the bed
"Come here" he said
I went closer to him.
"I promise you nothing happened with that girl. I asked her if she was drunk for her safety. I know how guys are. If that was you I would want some guy to make sure you were straight. That's literally it. I wouldn't disrespect you like that" he said as he rubbed my arm
"I'm not even mad about that babe. I'm not mad at all actually.. I just shouldn't have left you by yourself. I should have stayed with you" I said as I rubbed his stomach
"Ima be straight babes. I honestly feel a lot better, after I threw up. I just needa get electrolytes and get myself hydrated" he said
I laid on my head on his chest.
"I love you baby, I know you're the only real one on my team" he said as he kissed my head
"I love you baby. I got you whenever" I said
"You want something to eat?" I asked him
"No babh I'm not hungry. I just wanna lay here" he said
"Can you eat something little?" I asked him
He just nodded
"Okay" I said as I got up
"Babe come back, ima ask my mom if she can make us something" he said smiling
"No babe, ima make us something" I said as I kissed his forehead as I got up
"Mmmh" he said smiling

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