Chapter 35

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Jalen Green

First week done
"JG4 you down to go to this party with us today?" Jordan said coming up to me
"I mean yeah I'm down, I gotta see what J wants to do" I said dapping him up
"Alright bet, just let me know. It's like a back to school party, all the boys from the team are going" he said as he walked away

"Hey baby, how was your first day?" I said as I saw Jaden coming out of the building
"It was cool, I met some people" she smiled
"That's good. Jordan asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him. You wanna come?" I asked her as we got into the car
"I mean yeah, I'm down when is it?" she asked as she put her seat belt on
"Today" I laughed
"Wow you're lucky I don't be trying to look cute. I would have beat your ass" she laughed
"You always look good baby" I said as I leaned to kiss her
"Yeah whatever, get me home so I can find something to wear" she laughed

We got to my house and she ran up the stairs to look for something I guess.
"Babe the party doesn't start until 8" I said
"Okay but still, I'm not tryna look busted busted how I normally do" she laughed as she was looking
"I already told you, you always look good. Plus who you tryna impress?" I gave her the eye
"My lovely boyfriend who's gonna be right next to me. I gotta show out so these hoes don't think they can take my spot. They gonna have big shoes to fill in" she said
"Whatever babe, ima take a nap though. So come nap with me" I said as I look everything but my underwear off and got into bed
She literally jumped on me
Nah it's about to go down now.
"Baby take these off" I whispered tugging at her pants
"Take them off for me" she said looking at me
I flipped us over so now she was at the bottom and I was on top
"You ain't gotta tell me twice" I said as I took her pants off
I then took off her shirt
"Baby you're so fine. Like man you're really mine" I said as I attacked her with kisses
I could just hear her laughing
"J that tickles fr" she said as she was moving my head from her stomach
"I know what you want" I said as I went lowkey and took off her underwear
"Yeah you do" she whispered as she looked at me

I dove right in. I was licking and sucking. Then I put two fingers in and I could just hear my baby's moans. Definitely gonna give her a kid one day.

"Come here baby" she whispered
I went up to her and I kissed her so passionately.
"Your turn, take these off" she said
I took of my underwear and I just went in. No warning, nothing.
"Ooohh babyyy" she moaned real loud
"Yeah daddy got you" I said as I was going in and out of her fast.
"I want it slow baby" moaned as she started scratching my back
"I can't go slow mamas if you gonna scratch my back" I whispered to her
I got her hands I put them above her head and I started going fast again.
The shit this girl does to me. She can just be laying there and I get hard all over again.
"Mmmhh baby, I can't, I can't" she whines while tryna get away from me.
"I'll go slow baby" I whispered as I started doing slow and long strokes
"Yes baby like that" she said as she stared in my eyes
"You can't be doing that J, you gonna make me cum" I whispered as I kissed her neck
"Look at me baby" she whispered
I looked at her
"I love you so much. You're my forever. I promise you" she said as I came in her.
"Ahhh, I felt that" she smiled
"My bad babe.." I said with a sad face
"I'm on birth control babes, it's okay" she said
"I love you so much, I promise ima put a ring on your finger" I said as I kissed her
"Good" she smiled
"We ain't done yet. Flip over" I said
"Baby" she whined
"J, you know you want to. Ion know why you're acting like that" I laughed
"Yeah you're right" she said as she got on all fours
I put myself by her entrance and I just waited. I wanted to see what she would do.
"Babe come on" she said as she started to rub her ass on my dick.
I went inside her and she already started the moans.
"I haven't even done nothing babe" I whispered to her
She then started to throw her ass back.
"Like that J" I said as I put my hands on her waist
Mmhh this forever gonna be my lady.

The party
We got to the party. I was looking pretty clean if you ask me. Then J wanted to do the same color theme. I'm down for anything with my baby.

"Babe I don't know nobody here" she said as she held onto my hand "You know me, you'll be fine babe

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"Babe I don't know nobody here" she said as she held onto my hand
"You know me, you'll be fine babe. Just stay with me" I said as I held her hand tight
"J! You made it" Nimari said coming up to me
"Hey Jaden" he said a she hugged her
"Y'all want a drink" he asked us
"Nah I'm good bro" I said
"You want something" I asked Jaden
"Yeah but just a water" she said looking at me
"Okay come on" I said as we went to go find the kitchen
"JG4 hows it going" Jordan said coming up to us
"I just got here" I laughed
"Well then, hows life" he asked me clearly drunk already
"It's good bro, here drink this" I said giving him a water bottle
"Man this is so good" he said drinking it all
"Wow" Jaden said and started laughing
"Jaden?" Someone said
"Hey girl" Jaden said hugging this girl
"I didn't know you were coming" she said
"I didn't know either until Jalen told me about it" Jaden said looking at me
"Jalen Green is your boyfriend?" The girl asked
Jaden just nodded
"Yeah is he like famous or something?" She laughed
"Girl everyone knows him" she said star stuck
"I'm so sorry to do this Jaden, but can I take a picture with him?" She asked Jaden
"Go for it" she laughed then once the girl stopped looking at her, she rolled her eyes
I just rubbed her hand to let her know it's okay
Jaden got up and to take the picture.
"Girl you gonna introduce us or want me to?" Her friend said
"Jackie look, I don't mean to sound rude or anything. But you're doing too much. Why he gotta know your name for? You obviously know his." Jaden said getting mad
"Fine I'll introduce myself. I'm Jackie and I know you're Jalen" she said smiling as she put her hand out
"Right, it was nice meeting you. Come on baby" I said grabbing Jaden by her waist and taking her back to where everyone was at.
"You okay" I said bending down to jadens ear as we walked
She just nodded her head
"We'll leave in a little bit" I said
"No it's fine. Go ahead babe go be with your friends. Ima go back to the car and FaceTime Cam" she said as she kissed me
"Wait no babe. Stay with me" I said
"I don't know nobody here J. I'm already irritated cause of home girl. I know I'm not supposed to get mad at little things like that. But I hate females. Them bitches always just using me to get to you. I love you, just have fun okay. Text me when you're ready to go" She said as she walked away.

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