Chapter 27

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Jalen Green

I woke up in my own bed. Jaden didn't let me spend the night again. I mean we left on good terms so hopefully she texts me throughout the day.

"Morning ma" I said

"Hey baby" she said as she was about to walk out the door

"Have a good day" I yelled right before she closed the door

            I got some cereal and I ate really quick.

Then my phone rang

J Baby: Hey baby, you going to school today?

Me: Yeah, why what's up?

J Baby: Oh okay, have a good day babes

Me: I will love, but what's up?

J Baby: I was gonna see if you wanted to see if you wanted to go to this little family party that

we're having

Me: Oh yeah. When is it?

J Baby: It's at 4, that's why I asked if you were going to school

Me: I can go. Haven't met all your family yet

J Baby: Okay babes, let me know when you're on your way to my house after school

Me: I will, you gonna text me while I'm at school?

J Baby: Yeah ill text you

Me: Okay, I'm about to leave my house babes

J Baby: Let me know when you get to school babes, I love you

Me: I love you

I miss my little baby. I want her to move in back with me. But there's really no reason for her to come back. Just gotta deal with it for now.

I got in my car and I bumped. It was 7:30, niggas early as shit to school. Lets get my baby some food.

I called IHOP and I got my baby her 4 pancakes, strawberries on the side and I got her an apple juice. Fuck I miss actually doing this with her.

I pulled up to her house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered

"Hey J" her mom said opening the door for me

"What brings you by?" she said

"I brought Jaden food. I thought you would have been at work that's why I didn't bring you nothing" I gave her a sad smile

"Its okay baby. I made myself breakfast, cause that girl wont eat" she said looking up rolling her eyes

"She's gonna eat today ma" I laughed

"I'm not sure if she's up but you can go up there" she said sitting on the couch

"Okay, you got work today?" I asked her as I stopped on the first step

"Yeah I have to go in at 8:30" she said

I just nodded my head and I went up the stairs.

I opened the door to my baby laying on her back looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey baby" I whispered

"Ah, hey my baby" she said getting up fast

"I brought you food" I said as I gave it to her

"Thank you love. Awe you got me 4 pancakes even though you know I'm not gonna finish them" she said laughing

"Had to get my baby right and there's strawberries on the side" I said pointing to them in the bag

"Awe thank you baby. You gonna be late?" she asked

"Nah baby, I can get there in 10 minutes from here" I said sitting on her bed

"Baby, its 7:50" she said

"Okay, I can be a little late" I said as I laid on her bed

"What if you just stay here?" she said

"Baby don't do that; cause you know I will" I said looking at her

"You're right, you needa go to school" she said as she opened her apple juice

"Alright love, ima go then" I said getting up

"Okay baby. Face time me at lunch okay" she said getting up giving me a hug

"Definitely will do that" I smiled as I kissed her

"Have a good day at work, don't over work yourself" I said as I gave Jaden's mom a hug

"Oh, baby I work at a hospital they over work everyone there" she smiled as she hugged me back

"I'm glad you're back" she whispers

"I am too" I looked at her

"Thank you for being that light in my daughters life. I know she hard to deal with, just continue to do what you're doing" she smiled

"I got you" I smiled as I left

I know her mama got a crush on me. I know this because I've heard them talking one time.

I'm so glad I'm in the picture. All I want is my baby and what we got going on.


I got to school, and it was 8:15. My teacher gonna yell. He's been mean lately ever since Jaden left.

At the end of the class he asked me to stay.

"You cant keep late in my class Jalen. I already told you this. I will fail you since you want to act like you have a different set of ruled from the other students" the teacher said

I just nodded and I walked out of class. Fuck that nigga honestly. I mean he did give me Jaden's address that one time, but at this point I don't care. Jaden's not here no more so I don't gotta be cool with him.

I'm thinking about as if he were my friend and this niggas my teacher. I thought as I made myself laugh.

I cant wait until lunch so I can see my baby's face.

I walked to my next class and we did shit in there. This teacher always got a sub up in here. She's rarely even here most of the time she got a sub. I mean having subs is cool cause you don't actually do nothing, but fuck.

***** These last 2 chapters were short because I feel like I've been putting too much detail within one chapter, and I don't want yall to get tired of it fast.*** 

.... Still give me feedback. Tell me what you guys want to see in the coming up chapters, etc... 

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