Chapter 17

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Jaden August

Currently I am in my 4th hour class, which is basically a free period. I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across the boys were having a tournament in Las Vegas. Why hasn't Jalen told me anything about this. I just scrolled past it and kept going. He'll tell me, he's probably just looking for the right time.

"Hey babe" Jalen said coming up to me

"Hey" I said still looking at my phone

"You good" he asked me looking at my phone

I just nodded

"Well I heard we have a tournament this weekend" he said excitingly

"Oh really" I said smiling

"That's a fake smile, what's wrong" he said

"How are you gonna tell social media before you tell me, your girlfriend" I said

"Babe I was gonna tell you, it's just I was excited" he said grabbing my hand

"No move Jalen. You're excited to be leaving your girlfriend for a week. Especially when its winter break. Our first Christmas together" I said standing up and looking at him

"You know what, ill just see during lunch. If you don't see me, don't go looking for me neither" I said walking out the library.

I do not care if I was over exaggerating, how is he gonna tell all his groupies before me?

As I was walking through the halls someone bumped me cause they were jogging.

"Hey, watch out" I semi yelled

"Oh, my bad I'm just super lost and I'm trying to find my 5th hour before the bell rings" he said

"Well I can maybe help you, where's your class?" I asked

"Um La 46, I believe" he said showing me his schedule

"Oh okay, my class is around there so I'll take you" I said pointing to the opposite direction

"Oh, its that way" he laughed

I just nodded

"So where did you come from" I asked

"Sierra Canyon" he said nonchalant

"Why you saying like it was a bad school. They got some bug ballers out there" I said laughing

"How you just assume I was a basketball player" he said with a smile

"I've seen your highlights, believe it or not" I said

"Oh, so you're a Hooper" he said

"Yes, sir I am" I said laughing

"Well okay Ms. Baller. What's your name?" he asked

"Jaden but everyone calls me J" I said

"I'm assuming you already know my name" he said as a question

"Yes, I do, Zaire Wade" I said

"Oh, the whole government name" he said laughing

"I told you, plus I'm a fan of your dad. I hate that he retired. I cried when they were retiring his jersey" I said with a laugh

"Well maybe you can meet him" he said

"Maybe" I said with a smile

"Well this is your class, the bells gonna ring in like, 2 minutes. But ill see you around forsure" I said as I walked away

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