Chapter 43

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Jaden August

Man Jalen Green is toooo hyped about me being pregnant. It's though so I'm not even trippin. He literally asks me if I need something every hour, he talks to my stomach, he makes sure I get whatever I want honestly. Not that he hasn't been doing that but it's just more extra now.
"Baby?" I whispered
"Mmh" he said
"Wake up" I said
"It's Saturday" he whispered as he flipped on his stomach
"Babe it's Monday, come on" I said laughing
"You sure?" He questioned
"Yes" I laughed
I had on some black leggings, Jalens blue and white sweater, with my royal toe 1s
"Why you looking cute for?" Jalen whispered as he got up
"I'm not, it's the bummy look" I smiled
"You look mighty fine, baby mama" he laughed
"Don't call me that, you know I hate that" I said
"I'm just playing baby, stop" he said as he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck
"We can't have a little quickie?" He whispered
"No J, get dressed, I let you sleep in" I laughed
"Fine" he said as he went to the bathroom
I got all my stuff, grabbed Jalens bag and walked downstairs
"Jalen, you better not be having my daughter in-law waiting on you" his mom yelled
"Ma I'm coming right now!" He yelled back

"You want something before school?" Jalen asked as we pulled out the drive way
"Let's go to Jack" I said
"What you want from there?" He asked
"The 2 for 4 croissants" I smiled at him
"We gonna share?" He asked looking at me
"No I'm feeding your baby along with me" I laughed
"Ahh I'm just playing Bebe" he said as he grabbed my hand
"My appointment is this Wednesday, can you come ?" I asked him
"I have training from 10-1. What time is it?" He asked me
"Perfect, it's at 8" I said
"They don't last long?" He said as he pulled up to Jack in the box
"No it's like 45 minutes, I can go to your training after if it's close" I said
"Okay yeah we'll do that. You only want the croissants?" he asked
"Yeah with some orange juice" I said

"Jaden, can you take these to the office. You're the only person who's done with this project" my English teacher said
I just nodded and made my way to the office
I turned around cause it sounded like Jalen
"What you doing?" He asked
"Oh I gotta take these papers to the office, what you doing" I asked him
"I gotta go pee" he laughed
"You pee more than me and I'm actually pregnant" I said walking up to him and giving him a kiss
"I love you baby" I said
"I love you more my love" he said as he gave me multiple kisses
"Okay I gotta go" I said laughing
"Okay, text me. You haven't been texting me and I know you ain't doing nothing in that class" he gave me a sad smile
"Okay I will" I smiled and I walked away
I got to the office and gave them the papers
"Ms.Henderson said to bring these to you" I said handing the lady the papers
"Oh yes, you're Jaden right?" She asked
I just nodded
"Okay thank you" she said with a smile

"Honneeyy" I said as I saw Jalen at lunch
"Hi baby" he said as he kissed my cheek
"You okay?" I asked him
"Yeah, we'll talk later okay?" He said giving me half smile
"We're gonna talk right now come on" I said as I brought him outside
"Jaden nah. It can wait" he said
"What happened" I asked once we got outside and sat on a bench
"What's up with you and Ethan?" He asked
"Who's Ethan?" I said with a confused face
"Don't play dumb Jaden" he said
"Nah fr... I know how it felt like almost losing you when I lied to you last time. I'm not gonna go through that again. You can check my phone or anything you want. Who is Ethan?" I asked
"There were some guys in my gym class talking about how this guy Ethan dubbed you." He said
"They we're talking about me?" I asked
He just nodded
"Let's go. We're gonna go find them" I said getting up
"For what?" He said
"Then niggas lying on my name, tryna come between me and you. Not with it." I said
"Baby if it ain't true I'm not even gonna feed into it" he said
"Nah, cause if a bitch was lying on your name. I would fuck her up. Why ain't you pressed about this as much as I am" I asked him
"Cause babe, I know I got you. I know you're mine. You got my baby in you. We're set. These niggas want you. They want what I got. I'm not gonna trip about something that I know I got as long as you're actually telling me the truth." He said as he hugged me from behind
"I would still beat a bitches ass for lying and saying thet had what is mine" I whispered
"You're fine, we're good" he said
"Okay okay" I said as I turned around and hugged him
"Come to me next time.. don't just shake it off.. we needa communicate okay.." I said as I was looking up to him
"Okay, im sorry" he said as he bent down and kissed me
"You're fine, can we go get some food. Im hungry" I said
"Yeah come on" he laughed as he grabbed my hand
"I just want a salad" I said
"Nah you can't be feeding my baby that shit. Eat some meat" he said
"No I wanna be healthy" I laughed
"Nah, you're starving my baby" he said
"I hate you" I laughed
We sat down with Jalens friends
"Hey J" Jordan said
"What's up man?" Jalen said dapping him up
"I was talking to you too" he said looking at me
"Ohh hi Jordan" I laughed
"You want something to drink?" I asked Jalen
"Nah I'm fine babe" He said
"Okay ima go get a water bottle" I said getting up

Jalen Green
"We're gonna kick it at Coleman's house after school you wanna come?" Jordan asked me
"Yeah I'm down" I said
"You gotta ask Jaden?" Jordan asked
"Nah she'll be cool about it" I said
"She don't be getting on your nerves?" This one girl said sitting next to Nimari
"Uhm, who are you?" I asked her
"I'm Izzy" she said with a big smile
"Yeah ain't nothing great. Don't talk about my girl like that without getting to know her first" I said looking at her
"Aye J, chill out man" Nimari said
"Nah nigga. What if Jaden said something about her like that, you wouldn't say nothing ? Exactly bro. Check her, before I tell Jaden to check her" I said as I pulled out my phone.
Only 10 minutes left
And then Jaden got back to the table.
I just kissed her forehead cause I'm so glad she ain't like that.
"Is everything okay over here?" She said with a smile
"Yeah babe" I said
"Did I miss something here? Am I interrupting something?" She said concerned now
"Nah J, you straight" Nimari said
"Right" I mumbled
"Well okay then" she said as she sat back down, put her airpods in and started watched her show as she leaned up against me.

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